
Embedded UI for any service that implements the Rancher API spec

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An embedded UI for any service that implements the Rancher API spec.

Integrating with your API

See HTML UI in the API specification. This also includes a link to the latest version hosted on our CDN.


git clone https://github.com/rancherio/api-ui
cd api-ui
npm install


Compiling into stand-alone CSS and JavaScript files

This will write files to ./dist/{version}/, suitable for publishing to a CDN.


Running as a standalone server

This will start a server on the given port number (default: 3000) that serves up the assets directly. This mode is mostly suitable for development of this library itself.


Integrating with an API

Wrap JSON responses with a bit of HTML (and return Content-Type: text/html):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- If you are reading this, there is a good chance you would prefer sending an
"Accept: application/json" header and receiving actual JSON responses. -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//releases.rancher.com/api-ui/1.0.4/ui.css" />
<script src="//releases.rancher.com/api-ui/1.0.4/ui.js"></script>
var schemas = "http://url-to-your-api/v1/schemas";
var data = {
  /* ... JSON response ... */
/* ... additional options globals, see below ... */


Several options can be configured through additional globals:

// Adds a documentation link in the navigation area
var docsPage = "http://url-to-your-docs/site";

// URL to a documentation JSON file to add descriptions for types and fields.
var docsJson = "http://url-to-your-docs.json";

// Displays the username who is logged in next to the Log Out link so the user knows who you think they are
var user = "jsmith";

// Disables the display of the logout link
var logout = false; // Disable the display of the Log Out link

// Replaces the default "${API_ACCESS_KEY}:${API_SECRET_KEY}" string when displaying cURL commands.
//   setting to false will omit the user/pass option from the command entirely.
var curlUser = "some:thing";

// Overrides the location where bootstrap is loaded from ('/css/boostrap.min.css' and '/js/bootstrap.min.js' will be appended to this)
var bootstrap = "http://url/to/bootstrap/version";

Bugs & Issues

Please submit bugs and issues to rancher/rancher with a title starting with [API UI] .

Or just click here to create a new issue.