
HTML formatter (pretty printer)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


HTML formatter (pretty printer) supporting custom tags.

Build Status Visual Studio Marketplace Downloads

Available as a CLI app and a Visual Studio Code extension.

Motivation: to be able to pretty-print HTML files even if they contain custom (e.g. server-side) tags.


  • packages/html-fmt-core contains the parser logic
  • packages/html-fmt-cli is a CLI app
  • packages/html-fmt-vscode is a Visual Studio Code formatting extension

Download Visual Studio Code Extension

You can download the Visual Studio Code extension from the Marketplace.

Then, install the vsix file with code --install-extension html-fmt-vscode-*.vsix.


The CLI can be used to format a single file or multiple files inside a directory.

Requirements: nodeJS LTS.

Command line options:

  • -h, --help: Print usage instructions
  • -i, --input <filename>: Specify the file or directory to format. Note that for directories, only files ending in html, inc and html will be processed.
  • -r, --recursive: Process directories recursively
  • -m, --modify: Modifies the input file(s) in-place
  • -t, --test: Do not format anything, just test if the formatter is able to format the input without throwing an error (useful for debugging)
  • --indent-size <indent-size> Specify the indentation size. By default, it is 4.
  • --multiline-attribute-threshold <multiline-attribute-threshold> The number of attributes, inclusive, after which each attribute will be printed on its own line. The default value is 4.
  • --void-tags-trailing-slash-style <void-tags-trailing-slash-style> Controls the trailing slash of void elements (br, hr, etc). Possible values: preserve, add, remove. The default value is remove.
  • --attribute-quote-style <attribute-quote-style> Controls the quotes of attribute values. Possible values: preserve, add. The default value is add.
  • --pre-commit-hook Runs as a git pre-commit hook (inspired by Prettier)

You can use the CLI with one of the following ways:

  • npx @ngeor/html-fmt-cli
  • npm i -g @ngeor/html-fmt-cli and then html-fmt-cli
  • Clone the repository and install dependencies with npm i. Then, from the packages/html-fmt-cli folder, run npm start -- <the cli options>. Example: npm start -- -i my-file.html -m.

Pre-commit hook

Save the following shell script as .git/hooks/pre-commit and give it execute permission:

npx @ngeor/html-fmt-cli --pre-commit-hook -m -i .



Bumping version

You will need lerna (install with npm i -g lerna).

To bump the version on all packages, use lerna: lerna version patch --force-publish

Creating extension

You will need vsce (install with npm i -g vsce).

vsce does not work well with the lerna monorepo. Run the following to be able to package the extension:

  • cd packages/html-fmt-vscode
  • rm -rf node_modules && npm i
  • vsce package

To publish the extension:

  • Create a Personal Access Token here. Select "All accessible organizations" and all "Marketplace" scopes.
  • Login with vsce login NikolaosGeorgiou
  • Publish with vsce publish

Supported Syntax


Supported elements:

  • <!doctype> declaration
  • <!-- hello --> comments
  • <br> void elements
  • <input required> attributes without value
  • <div>hello</div> elements with text


  • <~TMPL_V name ~> whitespace trimming elements
  • ## comment server-side comments
  • <TMPL_INCLUDE a/file/somewhere>
  • <TMPL_INCLUDE a/file type=[% expression %] id="hello"> attributes with Perl expressions
  • Proper indentation for <TMPL_IF> and <TMPL_ELSE>
  • Tags inside tags <p <TMPL_IF condition>class="hi"</TMPL_IF>>
  • Tags inside attribute values <p class="<TMPL_V foo escape=HTML>">