
Summer course content for Neuromatch Academy

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

NeuroMatch Academy (NMA) syllabus

July 13-31, 2020

Objectives: Introduce traditional and emerging computational neuroscience tools, their complementarity, and what they can tell us about the brain. A main focus is on modeling choices, model creation, model evaluation and understanding how they relate to biological questions.

Tutorial microstructure: ~10min talk, ~20min tutorial (repeated)

Day structure: Opening keynote, 3h lecture/tutorial modules, 1h interpretation (what did we learn today, what does it mean, underlying philosophy, 1h professional development/ meta-science, evening group projects (for interactive track). There will also be many networking activities!

Prerequisites: See here

Course outline

Week 1

Mon, July 13: Model Types

Description Introduce different example model types (Marr 1-3, what/how/why) and the kinds of questions they can answer. Realize how different models map onto different datasets.

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Model classifications
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Marr 1-3
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures "What"/"How"/"Why"
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session, The role of models in discovery
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Tue, July 14: Modeling Practice

Description Introduction of datasets (spikes, EEG, fMRI + behavior), and questions about them. These questions will foreshadow the whole summer school.

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup NMA organization, expectations, code of conduct, modeling vs. data
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Data into, preprocessing, link of neural data to behavior
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Tuning (RFs, motor, STA), What is means to "understand" (signal detection)
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Wed, July 15: Model fitting

Description Fit models to data, quantify uncertainty, compare models

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Why and how to fit models
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Fit a model 1 (linear regression), Get error bars
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Compare models, cross-validation, hyperparameters, Fit a model 2 (nonlinear models)
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session, Critical evaluation of model fitting
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Thu, July 16: Machine Learning

Description Introduction to machine learning. The commonly used approaches, how to avoid false positives, how to do it well

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup We want to predict (scikit learn)
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures GLMs (temporal filtering models), Linear classifier (SVM)
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Regularization (L1, L2), Shallow nonlinear classifier (SVM with RBF kernel)
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session, Promises and pitfalls of ML
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Fri, July 17: Dimensionality Reduction

Description Concept of dimensionality reduction, ways of doing it, what it means

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Manifolds to understand
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures PCA 1, PCA 2 (+CCA/clustering)
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Signal vs. Noise Manifolds, Visualizing high-D nonlinear manifolds (e.g. t-SNE)
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session, The link between high-dimensional brain signals and low-dimensional behavior
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Sat/Sun, July 18/19: Professional development & Social

Description Professional development sessions and social activities will be offered on the weekend. More information, including exact times TBA

Week 2

Mon, July 20: Bayesian Statistics

Description Bayesian statistics, modeling of behavior, modeling of neural data, quantifying information

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Uncertainty
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Bayes rule I (product rule: cue combination), Bayes rule II (Marginalization and nuisance variables)
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Causal inference & structural models (use as example for marginalization), Bayesian decision theory
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session, Advanced Bayesian methods
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Tue, July 21: Linear Systems

Description How to make estimates over time, how the brain does it

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00-0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup World has time
0:30-0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50-2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Linear systems theory I (ND deterministic), Linear systems theory II (1D stochastic = OU process; ND stocastic = AR(1))
2:05-2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25-3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25-4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Markov process, State space model
4:40-5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05-5:35 Outro Recap session, Linear systems rule the world
5:35-6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Wed, July 22: Decision Making

Description How we can make decisions when information comes in over time

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup We need to decide stuff
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Information theory, Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT)
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Hidden Markov Model inference (DDM), Kalman filter
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, Decisions, decisions, decisions ...
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Thu, July 23: Optimal Control

Description We need to move gain info and reach goals

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup We want to control our actions...
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Expected utility / Cost, Markov decision process (MDP)
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures LQG control (MDP for linear systems), Motor control (signal-dependent noise, time cost, ...)
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, Advanced motor control
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Fri, July 24: Reinforcement Learning

Description The setting of reinforcement learning and how it approximates the real world, behavior, and potential brain implementations

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Problem formulations: actor-critic
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Critic: reward prediction error, Exploration (POMDP) vs exploitation
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Model-based vs model-free RL, Multi-arm bandits: foraging
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, RL and the brain
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Sat/Sun, July 24/25: Professional development & Social

Description Professional development sessions and social activities will be offered on the weekend. More information, including exact times TBA

Week 3

Mon, July 27: Real Neurons

Description The things neurons are made of, channels, morphologies, neuromodulators, and plasticity

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Real neurons ftw
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Channels, HH, LIF neuron
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures LNP (loses fine timing info), Hebbian plasticity & STDP
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, A variety of neuron models
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Tue, July 28: Dynamic Networks

Description How single neurons create population dynamics

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Mechanistic models of different types of brain actvivity
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Spikes to rates, Wilson-Cowen model (coarse-grained), oscillations & synchrony
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Attractors & local linearization around fixed points, Chaos in rate networks (stimulus dependent chaotic attractor)
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, A theory of the whole brain
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Wed, July 29: Network Causality

Description Ways of discovering causal relations, ways of estimating networks, what we can do with networks

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup Causality - different views
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Pitfalls of Granger Causality, Centrality
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Instrumental variables, Interventions
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, Latters of causality
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Thu, July 30: Deep learning 1

Description The concept of ANNs, how to train them,what they are made out of, convnets, and how to fit them to brains

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup DL = crucial tool
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Pytorch intro & model components, Training it & inductive bias
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Convolutional Neural Network, Fit to brain (RSA - represenatational similarity analysis)
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, Digging deep
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Fri, July 31: Deep learning 2

Description Deep learning in more advanced settings. Autoencoders for structure discovery, RNNs, and fitting them to brains

Time (Hour) Lecture Details
0:00 - 0:30* Intro / keynote & tutorial setup DL for structure
0:30 - 0:45 Pod Q&A Lecture discussion with pod TA
0:50 - 2:05 Tutorials 1 & 2 + nano-lectures Autoencoders, Recurrent Neural Network
2:05 - 2:25 Discussion 1 Discussion with pod TA
2:25 - 3:25 Big break BREAK
3:25 - 4:40 Tutorials 3 & 4 + nano-lectures Transfer learning / generalization, Causality
4:40 - 5:00 Discussion 2 Discussion with pod TA
5:05 - 5:35 Outro Recap session, Digging deeper
5:35 - 6:00 Q&A Q&A with lecturers/Mentors

* the Intro / keynote will be watched asynchronously, which means that you can watch this lecture before the start of the day

Networking (throughout) - interactive track only

  • Meet a prof about your group's project
  • Meet a prof about your career
  • Meet a prof about your own project
  • Meet other participants interested in similar topics
  • Meet a group of likeminded people
  • Meet people that are local to you (same city, country)

Group projects (throughout) - interactive track only


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This work and everything in this repo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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