David Heinemeier Hansson's github url is https://github.com/dhh .

Github provides information about his public commits in JSON format at https://api.github.com/users/dhh/events/public .

In the JSON data there is an attribute called "type" which denotes what kind of commit it was.

Let's say that we give following score to DHH based on the "type" of the commit

IssuesEvent = 7 IssueCommentEvent = 6 PushEvent = 5 PullRequestReview/CommentEvent = 4 WatchEvent = 3 CreateEvent = 2 Any other event = 1 Task

This is a ruby program which when executed prints the score of https://github.com/dhh . The answer printed on the terminal will be like this.

$ ruby exercise.rb

DHH's github score is xxx