
Sample of event driven architecture with event sourcing / CQRS using gRPC, Kafka and MongoDB

Event Sourcing Sample

Sample of event driven architecture with event sourcing / CQRS using gRPC, Kafka and MongoDB
We are trying to implement simple use case for this project like order, payment, and shipment


In this project I'm using AWS EC2 instance with AWS Linux 2 AMI.
So my linux command will be different if you use different platform like using apt-get or brew instead of yum
Here is some prerequisites for this project:

Docker and Docker Compose

  • If you don't have any docker installed on your machine, run this command:
    sudo yum install -y docker
  • Check docker version to check whether your docker is installed properly or not:
    docker --version
  • To check whether your docker service is running or not, run this command:
    docker info
  • To run docker service, run this command:
    sudo service docker start
  • To check if docker run properly, run this command:
    docker ps
  • If you have problem with permission, add your username into docker group and then re-login into your ssh:
    sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
  • We need to install 3 kafka zookeper containers and 3 kafka server so we need to install docker compose to manage it.
    To install a different version of Compose, substitute 1.25.3 with the version of Compose you want to use
    sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.3/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Apply executable permissions to the binary
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  • Test the docker compose installation
    docker-compose --version

Kafka Containers

We are using Kafka for producing and consuming an event. This is how we develop Kafka into our server using container.

  • Create new directory inside your $HOME directory:
    sudo mkdir $HOME/kafka-docker
  • Put docker-compose.yml under this project root directory into $HOME/kafka-docker directory
  • Find out your IP Address by running following command:
    ifconfig -a
    usually it's located in eth0 and inet
  • Run docker compose up to run our containers
    MY_IP=your-ip docker-compose up -d for example MY_IP= docker-compose up -d
  • To check whether your container is running or not, run this command:
    docker-compose ps
  • To check connection we need to install telnet
    sudo yum install -y telnet
  • Run following command to check zookeeper and kafka container
telnet localhost 12181  
telnet localhost 22181  
telnet localhost 32181  
telnet localhost 19092  
telnet localhost 29092  
telnet localhost 39092  

If you want to try to install Kafka into your local machine you can find tutorial how to install Kafka in your local machine.

gRPC for Inter-Process Communication

  • gRPC uses protobuf to communicate, in order to generate relevant files, you will need to install protoc plugin for Go:
    go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/proto
    go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
  • Install gRPC package for Go
    go get google.golang.org/grpc

Basic Workflow

Here’s the basic workflow in the project:

  1. A client app post an Order to an HTTP API.
  2. An Order Service receives the order via HTTP API, then executes a command onto an immutable log of events called Event Store via gRPC API.
  3. The Event Store API executes the command and then publishes an event order-created to Kafka server to let other services know that an event is created.
  4. The Payment Service subscribes the event order-created, then make the payment, and then create another event order-payment-debited via Event Store gRPC API.
  5. The Query syncing workers (orderquery-store1 and orderquery-store2 as queue subscribers) are also subscribing the event order-created that synchronise the data models to provide state of the aggregates for query views.
  6. The Event Store API executes a command onto Event Store to create an event order-payment-debited and publishes an event to Kafka server to let other services know that the payment has been debited.
  7. The Shipping Service finally approves the order and ship the thing.

How to run