
Kubernetes admission controller and a CLI tool to inject timezones into Pods and CronJobs

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Kubernetes Timezone Controller

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k8tz is a kubernetes admission controller and a CLI tool to inject timezones into Pods and CronJobs1.

Containers do not inherit timezones from host machines and have only accessed to the clock from the kernel. The default timezone for most images is UTC, yet it is not guaranteed and may be different from container to container. With k8tz it is easy to standardize selected timezone across pods and namespaces automatically with minimal effort.

Read article: Timezone in Kubernetes With k8tz

Admission Controller with Helm


helm repo add k8tz https://k8tz.github.io/k8tz/
helm install k8tz k8tz/k8tz --set timezone=Europe/London

Short Demo


  • Helm 2 or later
  • Kubernetes 1.16+ or OpenShift 4.X
  • Permissions to use emptyDir or hostPath


First, you need to add k8tz helm repository:

helm repo add k8tz https://k8tz.github.io/k8tz/

Then, you can install k8tz admission controller:

helm install k8tz k8tz/k8tz

If you want to set some values to configure k8tz, you can use --set, e.g:

helm install k8tz k8tz/k8tz \
    --set timezone=Europe/Amsterdam \
    --set injectionStrategy=hostPath

Optional: You can use helm to test that installation was successful and the admission controller is running using:

helm test k8tz


Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Amount of admission controller webhooks to spin up. For production use it is recommended to have at least 3 replicas 1
namespace The namespace where to install the admission controller k8tz
timezone The default timezone to inject UTC
injectionStrategy The default injection strategy to use initContainer
injectAll If true, timezone will be injected to the pod even when there is no annotation with explicit injection request. When false, the k8tz.io/inject: true annotation is required true
cronJobTimeZone Enable injection of timeZone field to CronJobs1 false
image.repository The image repository for the admission controller and bootstrap image quay.io/k8tz/k8tz
image.pullPolicy Admission controller image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag The image tag for the admission controller and bootstrap image. The default is the chart appVersion -
imagePullSecrets The image pull secrets for the admission controller []
nameOverride Helm application name override -
fullnameOverride Helm application full name override -
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the admission controller service account {}
serviceAccount.name The name of the service account to use. If empty, a name is generated using the fullname template -
podAnnotations Annotations to add to the admission controller pod {}
podSecurityContext Pod security context for the admission controller pod {}
securityContext Security context for the admission controller pod {}
service.type Admission controller service type ClusterIP
service.port Admission controller service port 443
resources Resource requests and limitations for the admission controller deployment {}
nodeSelector Node selector for the admission controller deployment {}
tolerations Tolerations for the admission controller deployment {}
affinity Affinities and anti-affinities for the admission controller deployment {}
webhook.failurePolicy Failure policy for the admission webhook. May be Fail or Ignore Fail
webhook.crtPEM Certificate in PEM format for the admission controller webhook. Will be generated if not specified (Recommended) -
webhook.keyPEM Private key for in PEM format for the admission controller webhook certificate. Will be generated if not specified (Recommended) -
webhook.caBundle Certificate Authority Bundle for the admission controller webhook. Will be generated if not specified (Recommended) -


To uninstall k8tz with Helm use:

helm delete k8tz


k8tz can be used as a command-line tool to inject timezone into yaml files or to be integrated inside another deployment script that don't want to use the admission controller automation.


You can process the test-pod.yaml from file-to-file or directly to kubectl:

# to a file
k8tz inject --strategy=hostPath test-pod.yaml > injected-test-pod.yaml

# or directly to kubectl
k8tz inject --timezone=Europe/London test-pod.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Or you can inject to all existing deployments in current namespace:

kubectl get deploy -oyaml | k8tz inject - | kubectl apply -f -

NOTE: The injection process is idempotent; you can do it multiple times and/or use the CLI injection alongside the admission controller. Subsequent injections have no effect.

Download GitHub Release

You can install k8tz binary file by downloading precompiled binary and use it

wget -c https://github.com/k8tz/k8tz/releases/download/v0.4.0/k8tz_0.4.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz -O - | tar xz
chmod +x k8tz
./k8tz version

then install it to your $PATH with:

sudo install k8tz /usr/local/bin/k8tz

Go Install

If you have go installed, you can install k8tz with:

go install github.com/k8tz/k8tz@latest

Use Docker

You can use k8tz directly from Docker, here are some examples:

docker run -i quay.io/k8tz/k8tz --help

cat test-pod.yaml | docker run -i quay.io/k8tz/k8tz inject -tPortugal - | kubectl create -f

kubectl get deploy -oyaml | docker run -i quay.io/k8tz/k8tz inject - | kubectl apply -f

From Source

You can build k8tz binary from source yourself by simple running:

make compile

The created binary will be located at build/k8tz, you can then install it to your PATH using:

make TARGET=/usr/local/bin install

To uninstall, use sudo rm -v /usr/local/bin/k8tz.

Injection Strategy

Timezone information is defined using Time Zone Information Format files (TZif, RFC-8536). The Timezone Database contains TZif files that represent the local time for many locations around the globe. To set the container's timezone, /etc/localtime inside the container should point to a valid TZif file which represents the requested timezone. In most images these files do not exist by default, so we need to make them available from inside the container mounted at /etc/localtime.

Currently, there are 2 strategies how it can be done:

Using hostPath

If those files (which are located under /usr/share/zoneinfo) exist in every node on the cluster (it is the user's responsibility to ensure that), hostPath volume can be used to supply the required TZif file into the pod. If the required timezone will be missing on the host machine, the pod will be stuck in PodInitializing status and will not be started.

Using bootstrap initContainer

Another solution, which is generally safer, is to inject initContainer (bootstrap image) to the pod and supply the required TZif file using a shared emptyDir volume. This is the default method of k8tz.


The behaviour of the controller can be changed using annotations on both Pod and/or Namespace objects. If the same annotation specified in both, the Pod's annotation value will take place.

Annotation Description Default
k8tz.io/inject Decide whether k8tz should inject timezone or not true
k8tz.io/timezone Decide what timezone should be used, e.g: Africa/Addis_Ababa UTC
k8tz.io/strategy Decide what injection strategy to use, i.e: hostPath/initContainer initContainer


  • Support StatefulSet injection
  • Lookup for annotations in pods owner when possible
  • Test and document installation on OpenShift
  • Implement make install for easier installation from source
  • Add VERBOSE flag to helm
  • Write verbose logs for webhook
  • Fix documentation about uclibc

Known Limitations

k8tz has been tested widely with many popular base images and worked perfectly with alpine, amazonlinux, busybox (glibc, musl), centos, clearlinux, debian, fedora, photon, ros, ubuntu and many more.

The only limitation found so far is that uclibc not respecting TZif files in /etc/localtime. Images as busybox built with uclibc will not be affected by k8tz.


  1. Timezones for CronJobs are available only from kubernetes >=1.24.0-beta.0 with CronJobTimeZone feature gate enabled. 2