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This source has been created for a dynamic React project. We used some similar technology:

Let's start

  • Recommended node 14 or later.
  • Clone this repo using git clone <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  • Move to the appropriate directory: cd <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  • Run npm install or yarn in order to install dependencies and clean the git repo.
  • At this point you can run npm run ios or npm run android to see the example app at device.


The application will be implemented in ./src folder

1. App.tsx

This file is master component of whole project. You should add all global providers in here.

2. Assets

All assets will be saved at ./src/assets. After add new asset to project, run command npm run link to link into each platform (ios/android).

3. Navigation

To control screen views and register screens in you app. Update RootNavigation if you want to change the root navigation of whole application. Please check document at React Navigation.

4. Types

Keep your application types in here.

5. Modules

Divide your application to many domains, in ./src/modules you keep the common domain and all custom domain. In each domain, we have:

  • containers: this is smart components with logic implement, can you components to show what you want. E.g. Facebook login button. To implement, you should use a component to show UI, keep all business logic in container and style at style file.
  • components: this is pure components only with UI logic, they will render base on props. The component use UI base at common domain, recommended do not use library directly.
  • hooks: useful custom hooks

Get more information at Smart and dumb component or Stateful and stateless component

6. Pages

Get all pages you have in here, this idea come from NextJs.

7. Constants

Keep constants in here.

8. Utils - Helpers

In this folder, I write all util/helper functions.

9. Api - HTTP Client

Make instance of Axios or other HTTP Client. More information at Axios

10. Store - Application state

To implement stores for application. In this case, I use Redux and Redux-toolkit to manage application state. If you wanna change to Mobx, be free to do it.

*Note: Should use dispatch, useSelector,... in containers.

11. Theme

Implement theme of application in here.Please check at React Native Element - Theme

12. Language

In this folder, we save all custom language. To use it please check i18next


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