
Primary LanguageJavaScript



python3 main.py <inputfile> --outfile=<outputfile>
js <outfile>

If <outputfile> is not mentioned, the output file name defaults to __gen__.js

Compatible versions

  • python3 : 3.6.7
  • node : 8.10.0


Hello World

The simplest example is to run a hello world program. Open up a python3 file and save it as helloWorld.py. Copy the following line of code into helloWorld.py.

print ('Hello World!')

Next, run the following command to generate the javascript file.

python3 main.py helloWorld.py --outfile=out.js

This generates the file out.js which contains the generated code. out.js can be executed in the command line in the following manner

js out.js

Alternatively, it can be included in a webpage.

Interaction with WebSim

To program your bot in websim using python3, you can use this tool. The file 'modules/Hal.py' contains the API that is supported.

import HAL

HAL.setV (12)
HAL.setW (10)
print ('US = ' + str (HAL.getUS ()))
print ('IR = ' + str (HAL.getIR ()))

print (HAL.getLaser ())
print (HAL.getEncoders ())

Execute locally without websim with emulated sensors and actuators

python3 --emulate /tmp/sensors main.py helloWorld.py --outfile=out.js In the directory, there has to be a file per sensor we want to get (US, IR, etc), one number per line. After running, a file ending in .out will be appended to with the values which were set to the actuators (V.out, W.out, etc).

Execute tests

To run integration tests run the command:


Each test is a directory consisting of a python file and a number of files for input of sensors, the names obtained from the sensors and for the correct output of the sensors ending in .ok (see /pathinstall/PyOnBrowser/integ_tests/simpl_test/ for an example).

To run A/B testing (tested against native Python)


A/B testing can be used to obtain correct outputs for integration tests in some cases.