
A cross-platform App that quieries a book data base, displays them in a list and allows a detailed view of each fetched book item.

Primary LanguageDart


A cross-platform App that quieries a book data base, displays them in a list and allows a detailed view of each fetched book item. To ensure the list elements in the ui are created on demand, the List is displayed using a ListView.builder (https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/ListView/ListView.builder.html)



Software Toolchain

The following are the key tools utilized:

  • Flutter stable, v1.17.3
  • Dart 2.8.4
  • Xcode 11.5
  • Android SDK 29 rev 1

utilized IDE:

  • VS Code

Utilized Git Clients:

  • Github
  • Fork

Running the Project

If using the terminal, first ensure that all dependencies are installed:

$ flutter pub get

To ensure a clean build, make sure that all previous builds are removed:

$ flutter clean

To build in debug mode, run:

$ flutter run -t lib/main.dart

To build in release mode, run:

$ flutter run -t lib/main.dart --release

for more info on build modes, please see (https://flutter.dev/docs/testing/build-modes)

State Management

This project uses Provider as a global state management solution.

Extension Methods

Under folder lib/common/utils/extensions can be found the extensions files that hold the various extension methods.