Pet Comments Supabase: Detail Page with Related Data

The Golden Rule:

🦸 🦸‍♂️ Stop starting and start finishing. 🏁

If you work on more than one feature at a time, you are guaranteed to multiply your bugs and your anxiety.

Work incrementally, being fully done, one small step at a time!


Use this template for this deliverable.

Live Example:


Setup Supabase

You have three options for which supabase project to use:

  1. Use the shared supabase project by sticking with the URL and KEY already in fetch-utils.js
  2. If you already have your own supabase pet-lover project instance, you can Run the db.sql setup scripts to add the new comments table
  3. Create a new supabase project:
    1. Run the db-part-1.sql setup scripts
    2. Run the db.sql setup scripts

Having your own project will enable you to inspect the result of uploading images and inserting data rows. With option #2 or #3, make sure to update your URL and KEY


For this deliverable, use the provided application code. Auth is already provided.

Your job is to add:

  • A. Add links from the pet list page to the detail for each pet
  • B. Create a pet detail page that dynamically loads a pet based on the id search param
  • C. Add the ability for users to leave comments on a pet detail

Part A: Add links to the pet items on list page

  • render-utils.js - add link that goes to pet detail page

When complete, your pet items in the list should link to the pet detail page with the ?id=34 search param

Part B: Load Pet Detail

  • fetch-utils.js - export a function to get a pet by id
  • pet.js - import fetch-util function, get detail on load, displayPet info

When complete, the pet detail page should show the selected pet name, image, and bio

Part C: Pet Comments

  • fetch-utils.js
    • add a create comment function
    • change getPet to also returned the joined comment rows
  • pet.js
    • import create comment, add load logic, display comments, add new comment

Your UI should be showing visual results.


Storage bucket

The name of the storage bucket is images

Data Model

Here is the schema for the pets table in supabase:

Data Model


The following is required for your assignment to be graded:

  • PR open from dev to main
  • PR Passes CI (lint + tests)
  • PR preview on netlify
Commit with Working Feature... Points
Pet items link to pet detail page 2
View pet detail 2
Redirect on no/bad id 1
Add and view pet comments 5