
Manage MP3 Download Codes for your vinyl releases.

Primary LanguagePHP

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Manage MP3 Download Codes for your Vinyl Releases


Main Admin Configuration Print Batches Codes Home


  • add modify and del functionality for albums


  • upload to your webserver
  • create a mysql database and a database user with all permissions
  • edit the config.php file in the main folder - should be self explanatory
  • specify your DB connection info
  • specify the path to the folder to use for storing the upladed MP3 archive
  • you want to make sure you use a path that's not accessible (ie, outside the web root) so that people can't link directly to the archive files
  • password protect the /admin/ folder (use a .htaccess / .htpasswd file) - this app doesn't do any username/password management on it's own
  • browse to /admin/install.php to setup the DB
  • once the DB ins set up remove or rename install.php so you don't accidentally destroy your DB later
  • click on Config to customize your settings