
Log to syslog from the command line, just like `logger` but more massive

Primary LanguageC


A simple utility that logs different sources to syslog

It is based on bsdutils logger, which is shipped with many linux distros, Ubuntu being one.

It has been patched for:

  • Log lines greater than 1k. Currently set to 64k. The limit can be raised even further by changing the MAX_LINE constant. You may also have to patch syslog.h for your kernel, this was not required on Ubuntu 12.04
  • Indented line continuation. If enabled any line that begins with a tab or a space following a line that did was not indented will be added to the previous line(s). There is a configurable timeout to keep the detection delay to a minimum. A few milliseconds seems to work well here
  • When logging to a UDP server (-n/--server), the size limit is still 400 characters. This limitation is inherit in UDP.
  • When logging to a Unix socket (-u/--socket), the size limit is also limited by the kernel maximum size which is commonly around 120KB ( see /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default ).


mlogger [options] [message]

 -d, --udp              use UDP (TCP is default)
 -i, --id               log the process ID too
 -f, --file <file>      log the contents of this file
 -h, --help             display this help text and exit
 -n, --server <name>    write to this remote syslog server
 -P, --port <number>    use this UDP port
 -p, --priority <prio>  mark given message with this priority
 -s, --stderr           output message to standard error as well
 -t, --tag <tag>        mark every line with this tag
 -u, --socket <socket>  write to this Unix socket
 -I, --indent <ms>      Will consider intended lines continuation of the previous line, within the timeout
                        specified in milliseconds
 -V, --version          output version information and exit


man mlogger


To build mlogger
