
A Node.js library for a vl53l0x device

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Node.js library for a vl53l0x proximity sensor.

NOTE: This package addresses the issue of adding multiple vl53l0x on one device. Please read below how to.


I honestly have very little knowledge of GPIO and hardware programming. This is a fork from https://github.com/williamkapke/vl53l0x

I did this to try and understand a bit more how to develop nodejs -> sensors apis. and to typescript the hell out of it!



From: https://www.npmjs.com/package/i2c-bus#installation
The way in which I2C is configured varies from board to board. Sometimes no configuration is required, but sometimes it is:

npm install ts-vl53l0x


Normal single sensor

import VL53L0X from 'ts-vl53l0x'

const vl53l0x = new VL53L0X()

const init = async () => {
  await vl53l0x.init()

  while (true) {
    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure())

    // output: { '0': 8191 }


Multiple sensors

import VL53L0X from 'ts-vl53l0x'

const arrayOfSensors = [
  [17, 0x30],
  [22, 0x31],

const vl53l0x = new VL53L0X(arrayOfSensors)

const init = async () => {
  await vl53l0x.init()

  while (true) {
    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure())
    // output: { '17': 8191, '22': 8191 }

    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure(17))
    // output: { '17': 8191 }

    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure(22))
    // output: { '22': 8191 }


You should be able to allocate individual calibrations:

import VL53L0X from 'ts-vl53l0x'

const arrayOfSensors = [
  [17, 0x30],
  [22, 0x31],

const vl53l0x = new VL53L0X(arrayOfSensors)

const init = async () => {
  await vl53l0x.init()

  // The next options without a specific pin will do it all, or you can use  the opts on init.
  // await vl53l0x.init({...}) read bellow of rthe options available
  await vl53l0x.api.setSignalRateLimit(0.1)
  await vl53l0x.api.setVcselPulsePeriod('pre', 18)
  await vl53l0x.api.setVcselPulsePeriod('final', 14)

  //... or

  await vl53l0x.api.setSignalRateLimit(0.1, 17)

  await vl53l0x.api.setVcselPulsePeriod('pre', 18, 22)
  await vl53l0x.api.setVcselPulsePeriod('final', 14, 22)

  while (true) {
    // If you add a pin that does not exists it will error.

    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure())
    // output: { '17': 8191, '22': 8191 }

    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure(17))
    // output: { '17': 8191 }

    console.log(await vl53l0x.api.measure(22))
    // output: { '22': 8191 }


note If by any chance you change back to single sensor, you will have to restart your device. WIP to go back to the default address


new VL53L0X(address?: [[pin: number, address: number]] | number = 0x29, bus = 1)


For multiple sensors, please use XSHUT and define the pin within the array:

const arrayOfSensors = [
    17, //pin
    0x30, // address to command

vl53l0x.init(opts?: OPTS): Promise


  signalRateLimit?: number
  vcselPulsePeriod?: {
    pre: 12 | 14 | 16 | 18
    final: 12 | 14 | 16 | 18
  measurementTimingBudget?: number
  distanceOffset?: number
  regAddressRead?: number

vl53l0x.api: API


  measure: (pin?: number | string) => Promise<number> | Promise<{[pin: number]: number}>
  resetPinsAddresses: () => Promise<void>
  config: {
    bus: number
    options: OPTS
  addresses: {
    [key: number]: { addr: number; gpio?: Gpio; timingBudget: any }
  scanAddressesBeingUsed: () => Promise<{ scan: number[]; hex: string[] }>
  setSignalRateLimit(limit_Mcps: number, pin?: string | number): Promise<void | { [key: string]: BytesWritten } | BytesWritten>
  getSignalRateLimit(pin?: string | number): Promise<number | { [key: string]: number }>
  getMeasurementTimingBudget(pin?: string | number): Promise<number | { [key: string]: number }>
  setMeasurementTimingBudget(budget_us: number, pin: string | number): Promise<void>
  setVcselPulsePeriod: (type: 'pre' | 'final', period_pclks: 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18, pin?: number) => Promise<void>
  getVcselPulsePeriod(type: number, pin?: string | number): Promise<number | { [key: string]: number }>
  performSingleRefCalibration(vhv_init_byte: number, pin?: string | number): Promise<void>
  io: {
    write(data: Buffer, addr: number): Promise<BytesWritten>
    writeReg(register: REG, value: number, addr: number, isReg16: boolean): Promise<BytesWritten>
    writeMulti(register: REG, array: Buffer, addr: number): Promise<BytesWritten>
    readReg(register: REG, addr: number, isReg16: boolean): Promise<number>
    readMulti(register: REG, addr: number, length?: number): Promise<Buffer>


