
Convinient way of loading Google Docs spreadsheets into UE4 DataTable

Primary LanguageC++

Google Doc to Data Table UE4 plugin

General information

UE4 Editor plugin that provides a convinient way for importing data from google spreadsheet into UE4 data table.

Alt Text

How to install

How to use

  • Right click in a content browser, select: Blueprints -> Structure
  • Create a structure that matches data in your spreadsheet. Keep in mind that UE4 treats the first column as a lookup and handles it automatically so you don't need to create it in the Structure. More information on that here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Gameplay/DataDriven/index.html
  • Create a datatable ( right click in content browser: Miscellaneous -> DataTable ) and select structure you created in previous step
  • Right click on the datatable. In the context menu you should see and option "Load from Google doc" ( 4th row from top ).
  • A new window will appear. Enter your spreadsheet id into the input field. What is spreadsheet id ?

Let's say your google spreadsheet address is: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YjC78QtDrHQzsyz7vNAWWetlKUNEgID3gjA1S0svFys/edit#gid=0

then spreadsheet id is this part: 1YjC78QtDrHQzsyz7vNAWWetlKUNEgID3gjA1S0svFys

  • Important: Your spreadsheet needs to have public sharing turned on. Otherwise it will not work.

Current limitations

  • Works only with public spreadsheets ( link sharing has to be turned on ). Authorization was not implemented yet.