Verilator+cocotb integration quick start guide

  1. Install dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install virtualenv build-essential
    sudo apt-get install python3-dev
    sudo apt install gtkwave
  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone build
  3. Change working directory to cloned repository:

    cd build
  4. Download missing submodules:

    git submodule update --init
  5. Build and install Verilator in local environment

    make env/bin/verilator
  6. Install cocotb in local environment:

    make env/bin/cocotb-config


To run the examples included in Cocotb, simply run make cocotb/name_of_the_example/run. To clean the directory with the examples execute make cocotb/name_of_the_example/clean.

Running the adder example:

make cocotb/adder/run

Runing the D flip-flop example:

make cocotb/dff/run

Running axi_lite_slave:

make cocotb/axi_lite_slave/run

To dump a vaweform from the simulation set the VERILATOR_TRACE=1 env variable e.g:

VERILATOR_TRACE=1 make cocotb/dff/run

The vaweform file is written in the example folder. gtkwave can be used for viewing it e.g:

gtkwave cocotb/examples/dff/tests/dump.vcd

An example waveform you should get is shown below:

DFF test waveform

An example test output is shown in the picture bellow:

DFF test waveform