Cloudformation template and compliance check python script. Modified AWS Provided Template and Checks.
Added SAM template for creating Lambda Function and Config Rule to schedule run every 24hour (default). Modify the template to run the compliance check according to your schedule.
Valid Config Rule Schedules are One_Hour, Three_Hours, Six_Hours, Twelve_Hours, or TwentyFour_Hours.
Create LambdaExuction Role and KMS Key and provide the arn when creating lambda function below.
Put the value of the relevant cloudformation paramters in file.
1.Create Cloudwatch Metric Filters and Alarms
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name cloudWatch-alarms-for-cloudtrail --template-body file://CloudWatch_Alarms_for_CloudTrail_API_Activity.json
2.Create Lambda Function and Config Event Rule
aws cloudformation package --template-file serverless_stack.yaml --output-template-file serverless_stack_deploy.yaml --s3-bucket yourbucketname
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file serverless_stack_deploy.yaml --stack-name cis-compliance-check --parameter-overrides $(cat
3.Invoke Lambda Function (optional)
Invoke the following command to invoke lambda function to test the functionality -
aws lambda invoke --function-name function_name_created_above output_filename
To evaluate the rule from AWS Config run the following command -
aws configservice start-config-rules-evaluation --config-rule-names cis_compliance_check