- 1
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
#189 opened by dependabot-preview - 1
add delete account func
#43 opened by ripoul - 5
create new logo
#35 opened by ripoul - 1
notifie token expired
#58 opened by ripoul - 3
Date and time display
#51 opened by Airthee - 1
Add some information on trip page
#50 opened by Airthee - 5
configure all-contrib
#44 opened by ripoul - 1
info token
#39 opened by ripoul - 2
add info on storage token
#32 opened by ripoul - 1
- 1
list shared road trip on index
#24 opened by ripoul - 1
complete description how to and why in index
#33 opened by ripoul - 4
wrong place holder
#34 opened by ripoul - 1
connect account : placeholder password incorect
#25 opened by ripoul - 1
change password
#23 opened by ripoul - 1
Allow user to connect to see his road trip
#14 opened by ripoul - 0
- 0
add favicon
#5 opened by ripoul - 0
add last time recorded
#4 opened by ripoul - 0
change tab preview
#3 opened by ripoul - 0