XRPL Air Drop Farmer API

👋 Welcome!

This is a public API hosted by The database for this API is updated frequently with the most current list of XRPL addresses that have been flagged as Air Drop farmers, from numerous sources.

The last update was on Septmeber 26th 2022 with 142,827 individual accounts featuring on the list.


An API status page has been established for the purposes of monitoring

Status Monitor

API Rate Limiting

You can make a maximum of 100 REQUESTS PER 15 MINUTE WINDOW. If you exceed the request limit, the API will respond with 429 Too many requests, please try again later. If you need to process large sets of XRPL addresses we advise you to use the POST /verify-bulk endpoint. If you only need to verify a single XRPL address you should use the GET /verify endpoint.

Each request will return the following headers:

  • RateLimit-Limit - This value will always show 100. The value is related to the max number of requests you can make within the 15 minute window.

  • RateLimit-Remaining - How many requests remaining until you have hit the rate limit.

  • RateLimit-Reset - The number of seconds remaining in the current 15 minute window before the rate limit is reset.

Base URL:


POST /verify-bulk

Request Body: xrpl_addresses: Array<xrpl_address>

cURL Request (Example):

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "xrpl_addresses": [

JSON Response (Example):

    "xrplAddressesCleaned": [
    "xrplAddressesFarmers": [
    "totalFarmersFound": 2,
    "lookupDurationSeconds": 0.47
  • xrplAddressesCleaned - The XRPL addresses provided in the request that did not get flagged as farmers. These appear to be valid addresses.

  • xrplAddressesFarmers - The XRPL addresses provided in the request that are flagged as farmers. These appear to be farmer addresses.

  • totalFarmersFound - The total amount of XRPL addresses provided in the request that appear to be farmers.

Error Messages

401 (Bad Request)

  • If the xrpl_addresses is missing you will get the following error message: "Missing required [xrpl_addresses] property from payload body."

  • If the xrpl_addresses is not an array: "The [xrpl_addresses] property must be be of type array filled with XRPL addresses as strings."

  • If the xrpl_addresses is empty: "The [xrpl_addresses] property must contain minimum of 1 XRPL address string."

Endpoint: (GET) /verify

Query Parameters: xrpl_address

cURL Request (Example):

curl --location --request GET ''

JSON Response (Example):

    "isFarmer": true,
    "lookupDurationSeconds": 0.47

Error Messages

401 (Bad Request)

  • If the xrpl_address is missing you will get the following error message: "Missing required query parameter [xrpl_address] to use this endpoint."

  • If the xrpl_address is not a valid XRPL classic address you will get the following error message: "The XRPL address provided is not a valid classic address. Please check the address and try again."