
A simple wrapper for the Ripple Rest Api

Primary LanguageGroovy


A simple client for the Ripple Rest Api



grails install-plugin grails-ripple-rest-client-api-0.1.zip - change the version number if needed

Basic Usage

Edit Config.groovy and add the following configuration, replaced with your server url. This is required:

            serverUrl = "http://localhost:5990/v1/"

You may also add proxy settings, this is optional:

      serverUrl = "http://localhost:5990/v1/"
      proxy = ['localhost':8080]
      connectTimeout= 30000
      readTimeout = 20000

The proxy setting can either be map containing the key for the host name and a value for the port or an instance of java.net.Proxy.

Then simply inject the rippleRestClientService bean into your controller/service

class TestRippleController {

  def rippleRestClientService

  def index() {
      def uuid = rippleRestClientService.getUuid()
      render "<h1>Got the uuid from the server = $uuid </h1>"

Method Detail


Sets the resourceId that will be used for sending payments this must be set in order to prevent double spending param id - the new resource Id


generates a new resource Id to be used for sending payments. YOU MUST GENERATE A NEW RESOURCE ID with every new payment this helps prevent double spending

####getUuid()Refrence creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) value which can be used to calculate a client resource ID for a payment

####getBalances(String address)Balances Refrence Gets the balances for the provided account Returns A List of Balance Objects Usage:

def balancesResponse = rippleRestClientService.getBalances(testAddress)
    println "\nTesting rippleRestClientService.getBalances\n"

    balancesResponse.each{ it ->
        println  "The balance is "+it.value 
        println  "The Currency is " + it.currency
        println "the Counter Party  is " + it?.counterparty 

####getConnectionStatus()Server Obj Refrence Gets the server connection status

####getNotification(String address, String hash)Notification Obj Refrence Gets the transaction notification for a given address and hash Usage

            NotificationResponse notificationResponseResponse =      
    println "\nTesting rippleRestClientService.getNotification\n"

    println "The Direction is " + notificationResponseResponse.direction +"\n"
    println "The Hash is " + notificationResponseResponse.hash +"\n"
    println "The state is " + notificationResponseResponse.state +"\n"
    println "The type is " + notificationResponseResponse.type +"\n"
    println "The timestamp is " + notificationResponseResponse.timestamp +"\n"
    println "The account is " + notificationResponseResponse.account +"\n"
    println "The Ledger  is " + notificationResponseResponse.ledger +"\n"
    println "The next hash  is " + notificationResponseResponse.next_hash
    println "The next notification url  is " + notificationResponseResponse.next_notification_url
    println "The previous  is " + notificationResponseResponse.previous_hash

####getAccountSettings(String address) Returns an Account object with the account settings for a given address Usage:

        Account acct =  rippleRestClientService.getAccountSettings("rippleAddress")

####getPayment(String address, Closure payArgs)Payment Obj Refrence Gets the payment info for a given address and hash or uuid Returns a Payment Object payArgs's possible args = [hash,uuid]


     Payment thePayment = rippleRestClientService.getPayment(testAddress){
        hash = testAddressPaymentHash
    println "Test for rippleRestClientService.getPayment\n"
    assert thePayment.result == "tesSUCCESS"
    println "The Direction is " + thePayment.direction
    println "The Hash is " + thePayment.hash 
    println "The state is " + thePayment.state 
    println "The timestamp is " + thePayment.timestamp
    println "The account is " + thePayment.source_account 
    println "The Ledger  is " + thePayment.ledger 

####getPaymentQuery(String address, Closure payArgs)Payment Obj Refrence Gets payment information using query objects provided in the closure returns a list of Payment Objects payArgs - possible args:












    def payments2  = rippleRestClientService.getPaymentQuery(testAddress){
        earliest_first = true
        direction = "incoming"

    println "Test For rippleRestClientService.getPaymentQuery\n"
    payments2.each{it ->
       println "====Payent info===="
        assert it.result == "tesSUCCESS"
        println "The Direction is " + it.direction
        println "The Hash is " + it.hash
        println "The state is " + it.state
        println "The timestamp is " + it.timestamp
        println "The account is " + it.source_account
        println "The fee  is " + it.fee
        println "The invoice_id  is " + it.invoice_id 
        println "The destination_account  is " + it.destination_account 
        println "The partial_payment  is " + it.partial_payment


####getTransaction(String transactionHash)Transaction Obj Refrence Get the transaction for a give hash Usage

     def  response = rippleRestClientService.getTransaction(testAddressTransactionHash)
    println "Test for rippleRestClientService.getTransaction\n"
    assert response.success == true
     def transaction = response.transaction
    println "The Amount is " + transaction.Amount
    println "The Hash is " + transaction.hash
    println "The fee is " + transaction.fee
    println "The date is " + transaction.date
    println "The timestamp is " + transaction.timestamp
    println "The account is " + transaction.account 
    println "The Ledger  is " + transaction.ledger 

####getTrustLines(String address, Closure trustArgs)Trustline Obj Refrence gets the trustline for a given address Returns a List of TrustLine Objects Usage:

    def trustLines  = rippleRestClientService.getTrustLines(testAddress){
        currency = "USD"

    println "Test for rippleRestClientService.getTrustLines\n"
    trustLines.each {tl->
        println "The limit is " + tl.limit
        println "The account is " + tl.account
        println "The currency is " + tl.currency
        println "The counter party is " + tl.counterparty

####getAllTrustLines(String address)Trustline Obj Refrence gets all trustlines for a given address

####getPaths(address, destinationAddress, Closure paths)Payment Obj Refrence This will generate a list of possible payments between the two parties for the desired amount, taking into account the established trustlines between the two parties for the currency being transferred Returns a List of Payment Objects Usage:

        def payments = rippleRestClientService.getPaths("rDdwBhw5ypG7jgg2HTD8g3ntw3vrXq8ssQ",testAddress){
           value = ".10"
        currency = "XRP"
        sourceCurrencies = ["USD","BTC"]
    println "Test for rippleRestClientService.getPaths\n"

    payments.each {p ->
       assert p.source_account != null
        println p.destination_amount
        println p.destination_tag
        println p.direction


####postAccountSettings(acctSecret, String address, Closure actArts)Account settings Obj Refrence Post new account settings returns a new Account object with the new account settings


         Account newAccountSettings = rippleRestClientService.postAccountSettings(testAddressSecret,testAddress){
        transfer_rate = 0
        password_spent =  false
        require_destination_tag = false
        require_authorization = false
        disallow_xrp = false
        disable_master =  false

    assert newAccountSettings.success == true
    assert newAccountSettings.settings.transfer_rate == 0
    assert newAccountSettings.settings.require_destination_tag == false
    assert  newAccountSettings.settings.disallow_xrp == false

####postPayment(acctSecret, Closure pay)Payment Obj Refrence Sends a payment from one account to another - Please see offical ripple docs in the provide link above Returns a PaymentResponse Object Usage:

Note: You must send an Amount object

  PaymentResponse  paymentResponse =  rippleRestClientService.postPayment(testAddressSecret){
        source_account =testAddress
        destination_account =testDestAddress
        destination_amount =  new Amount(value: ".0001",currency: "XRP" ,issuer: "")

    println "\n Testing rippleRestClientService.postPayment full Response\n"
    assert paymentResponse.success == true
    println "The Client Resouce id is: " +  paymentResponse.client_resource_id
    println "The Status Url is: " +  paymentResponse.status_url 

####grantTrustLine(String acctSecret, String address, Closure trustArgs)TrustLine Obj refrence Grants a trustline - returns a TrustLineGrant object


TrustLineGrant trustLine = rippleRestClientService.grantTrustLine(testAddressSecret,testAddress){
        limit = 5
        currency ="USD"
        counterparty = "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
        account_allows_rippling = true
    println "Test For rippleRestClientService.grantTrustLine\n"
     assert   trustLine.counterparty != null
    println "The limit is " + trustLine.limit
    println "The account is " + trustLine.account
    println "The currency is " + trustLine.currency 
    println "The counter party is " + trustLine.counterparty 

#Tests ##>>Ripple rest api test project