
Ripple REST Client for R

Primary LanguageRISC LicenseISC


Use R with the ripple-rest API.


Ripple is an Internet protocol for making financial transactions.

The ripple-rest API makes it easy to access the Ripple system via a RESTful web interface.

The R package ripplerestr uses the httr library to communicate with ripple-rest.


Before you can use the ripple-rest API, you will need to have three things:

  • An installed version of ripple-rest running locally or remotely. Instructions on installing ripple-rest can be found in the README.md file in the Github repository.
  • An activated Ripple account.
  • The URL of the server running the ripple-rest API that you wish to use.


Download the latest release and install it.

You can alternatively install the current version from GitHub:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

Set up

Load the ripplerestr library and set the URL.

options("ripplerestr.url" = "http://localhost:5990/")

Check server

Check whether the server is ready to be used.

## [1] TRUE

Get an account's balances

Find how much USD Bitstamp has issued.

bitstamp_coldwallet <- "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
bitstamp_hotwallet <- "rrpNnNLKrartuEqfJGpqyDwPj1AFPg9vn1"
bitstamp_coldUSD <- get_account_balances(bitstamp_coldwallet, "USD")
bitstamp_hotUSD <- get_account_balances(bitstamp_hotwallet, "USD")
bitstamp_USD <- sum(bitstamp_coldUSD) + sum(bitstamp_hotUSD)
## [1] -2869363

Examine account settings

Compare the transfer rates of different gateways.

df <- rbind(c("bitstamp", "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"),
            c("dividendrippler", "rfYv1TXnwgDDK4WQNbFALykYuEBnrR4pDX"),
            c("justcoin", "rJHygWcTLVpSXkowott6kzgZU6viQSVYM1"))
colnames(df) <- c("gateway", "address")
df <- as.data.frame(df)
settings <- lapply(df$address, get_account_settings)
df$transfer_rate <- sapply(settings, transfer_rate)
print(df, digits = 5)
##           gateway                            address transfer_rate
## 1        bitstamp  rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B        1.0020
## 2 dividendrippler rfYv1TXnwgDDK4WQNbFALykYuEBnrR4pDX        1.0015
## 3        justcoin rJHygWcTLVpSXkowott6kzgZU6viQSVYM1        1.0000

Send a payment

Find possible payment paths.

address <- "rJMNfiJTwXHcMdB4SpxMgL3mvV4xUVHDnd"
destination_account <- "rH3WTUovV1HKx4S5HZup4dUZEjeGnehL6X"
paths <- get_payment_paths(address, destination_account,
                           value = 0.01, currency = "USD")

Examine the possible amounts that can be sent.

## An object of class "Amount"
## [1] "0.01+USD"

Select one path and set tags and id.

payment <- paths[1]
source_tag(payment) <- 123
destination_tag(payment) <- 456
invoice_id(payment) <- "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Generate an identifier and submit the payment to the network. It is probably best to read the secret from an encrypted file.

secret <- "snQ9dAZHB3rvqcgRqjbyWHJDeVJbA"
uuid <- generate_uuid()
response <- submit_payment(payment, secret, uuid)

Check the status of the payment.

repeat {
    status <- check_payment_status(response$status_url)
    if (has_ledger(status))

Display how the amounts have changed.

## An object of class "Amount"
## [1] "-0.01+USD+rH3WTUovV1HKx4S5HZup4dUZEjeGnehL6X"
## [2] "-1.2e-05+XRP"
## An object of class "Amount"
## [1] "0.01+USD+rH3WTUovV1HKx4S5HZup4dUZEjeGnehL6X"