#MvcRazorToPdf Create pdf documents within an asp .net mvc project by generating your views as normal but returning a PdfActionResult.
*Demo link to follow
This converts regular produced razor/html to pdf documents in the browser using the iTextXmlWorker.
This uses the newer version/licence of iText/iTextXmlWorker and can process the html that is produced from your views.
##Installation instructions:
Run the following nuget command from your mvc project to install the [package] (http://nuget.org/packages/MvcRazorToPdf/):
Install-Package MvcRazorToPdf
##How to use it
- Create a shared layout that is compatible with an iTextXmlWorker document [Simple example layout] (https://github.com/andyhutch77/MvcRazorToPdf/blob/master/MvcRazorToPdfExample/Views/Shared/_PdfLayout.cshtml)
- Create a controller action that return a PdfActionResult (model optional) [Simple example contoller] (https://github.com/andyhutch77/MvcRazorToPdf/blob/master/MvcRazorToPdfExample/Controllers/PdfController.cs)
- Create the view page to render as normal [Simple example view] (https://github.com/andyhutch77/MvcRazorToPdf/blob/master/MvcRazorToPdfExample/Views/Pdf/Index.cshtml)
[Complete example project] (https://github.com/andyhutch77/MvcRazorToPdf/tree/master/MvcRazorToPdfExample)
##Useful info
[iTextXmlWorker docs] (http://demo.itextsupport.com/xmlworker/itextdoc/flatsite.html). [http://demo.itextsupport.com/xmlworker/] (http://demo.itextsupport.com/xmlworker/) if you have problems getting certain styles to render.