
Install the dependent packages for Klayout

sudo apt-get insatll python3 python3-dev ruby ruby-dev build-essential libz-dev git
Search package ---> apt-cache search <package_name>
libqt<latest_version>-dev-bin libqt<latest_version>-dev

Command : git clone <git_address>

git clone https://github.com/klayoutmatthias/klayout klayout

cd klayout

git checkout 0.26

Change the permission of build.sh

$chmod u+x build.sh
-------------below command will take utpo 3hrs or less--------

--------------change the permission of excecutable binary--------
$ chmod u+x bin-release/klayout

--------------In your Klayout directory-----------------------

Create a file with the name Klayout using any editor and add the below line

$vim klayout

export PATH=$/.klayout/bin-release:$PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$/.klayout/bin-release:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

klayout -e

In .bashrc put the path of the klayout file which you had created

export PATH='"'$/.klayout:$PATH

$source .bashrc

Finish Installation