
Code Description

This application uses Node.js, Express, mySQL, and Sequelize in order to simulate a backend server for an E-commerce application. Using API routes, a user can GET all the information from a table (including the foreign keys) or on a single item, create a new item through a POST, update an item with PUT, or DELETE an item.

Repository Link


This application is used to manage the inventory of an E-commerce organization through the use of servers. This includes things such as products, categories, and tags. A schema is provided to create a database and there are js files that can create the tables as well as seed files that can populate the tables with example code.


  1. Git clone the repository onto the user machine.
  2. Run npm init and then npm install where the application was cloned.
  3. Use the schema.sql file in the db folder to create the databases.
  4. Use the .env.EXAMPLE file as a template for creating an .env with the proper credentials.
  5. Once the database has been created, use "npm run seed" in the terminal while in the root folder if example data is needed.

Video Walkthrough

Video Walkthrough