
Use a combination of ChatGPT and VoiceVox to make cool chat robots.


  1. Install VoiceVox Engine. I recommend using the pre-made docker images.
  2. (If using VoiceVox for Japanese voices): Make the VoiceVox Engine available on port 50021. If you're using docker, you can do this with docker run -p 50021:50021 -it [DOCKER CONTAINER YOU DOWNLOADED].
  3. Sign up for the chatgpt api, and save your API key.


Before beginning, we just need to set two environment variables inside a .env file.

OPENAI_API_KEY=[Your Api Key Here]
VOICEVOX_API_URL=[Your VoiceVox Endpoint Here]

If you don't plan to use VoiceVox and just want a streaming chat gpt service, you can leave the VOICEVOX_API_URL variable unset.

When run without any arguments, chat-stream will work approximately as ChatGPT does. It will take messages from the command line and return chatGPT responses in a streaming mode.


    --vv            Use VoiceVox to read responses out loud using a preset voice
    --vv-api        Run the program as an api server in VoiceVox mode. See Api Doc below.
    --cid           [Character ID] Use a specific VoiceVox character

An informal list of supported characters and corresponding ids can be found here.

Audio samples and licensing for those characters can be found here.

API Mode:

When run with the --Api flag, chat-stream will run as an api server.

The server has one endpoint.

Method Endpoint Header Body Response
Post /get-voice contentType-json {voice_lines: string} audio/wav