
jQuery plugin to make page scroll looks smooth by animating it.

Primary LanguageHTML

jQuery Animate Scroll

Build Status Latest Version License

This is jQuery plugin which allow you to have a smooth page scrolling effect by animating it.

Table of contents


This plugin has the following dependency:

  • jQuery >= 1.3


There are four different ways to install or download this jQuery plugin.

Install Using NPM

You can install this jQuery plugin using NPM. Simply run the following command inside your project directory.

npm install jquery-animate-scroll --save

Or you may add jquery-animate-scroll to your package.json dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "jquery-animate-scroll": "~1.0.0"

Then run install command:

npm install

Install Using Bower

You may also install this jQuery plugin by leveraging Bower package. Run the following command to install this plugin:

bower install jquery-animate-scroll --save

You may also add this jquery-animate-scroll package to your bower.json file like so:

  "dependencies": {
    "jquery-animate-scroll": "*"

Download Using Git

Another option to install this jQuery plugin is by using git command. Simply clone this repository by running the following command:

git clone https://github.com/risan/jquery-animate-scroll.git

Or if you prefer using ssh:

git clone git@github.com:risan/jquery-animate-scroll.git

Manual Download

You can also install this plugin by simply downloading it from:


Or if you prefer the minimized version:



There are numbers of way to use this plugin:

  • $(selector).animateScroll( options )
  • $.scrollTo( $target, options )
  • $(selector).scrollHere( options )

And each of these methods has the same options:

  • $container is an element that has the scroll, default: $(html,body)
  • speed is the duration to perform the scroll animation in milliseconds, default: 400
  • offset is the offset in pixels, default: 0

Using $(selector).animateScroll( options )

For example you have the following markup on your page:

<a href="#article-1">Go To Article One</a>


<h1 id="article-1">Article One</h1>

Now to turn the anchor have an animated scroll effect, add the following line inside your javacript code:


The above code will initialize the animate scroll plugin. You may also pass some options like this:

  $container: $('body'),
  speed: 1000,
  offset: -100

You may also set speed and offset options using HTML data attribute like so:

<a href="#article-1" data-speed="1000" data-offset="-100">Go To Article One</a>

You may check the demo file: demo/animate-scroll.html

Using $.scrollTo( $target, options )

Now to use the $.scrollTo( $target, options ), consider we have the following HTML markup:

<a href="#" id="link-1">Go To Article One</a>


<h1 id="article-1">Article One</h1>

To turn the anchor to have an animated scroll, use the following code:

$('#link-1').click(function( e ) {
  // Prevent default behaviour.

  // Scroll to article one.
  $.scrollTo( $('#article-1') );

You may also pass the options like so:

$.scrollTo( $('#article-1'), {
  $container: $('body'),
  speed: 1000,
  offset: -100

You may check the demo file: demo/scroll-to.html

Using $(selector).scrollHere( options )

And the last method you may use is the $(selector).scrollHere( options ). For example, consider you have the following HTML markup on your page:

<a href="#" id="link-1">Go To Article One</a>


<h1 id="article-1">Article One</h1>

To activate the animated scroll, here is the sample code:

$('#link-1').click(function( e ) {
  // Prevent default behaviour.

  // Scroll to article one.

To pass the options, you can do it like this:

  $container: $('body'),
  speed: 1000,
  offset: -100

You may check the demo file: demo/scroll-here.html