A model of the RISC Zero zkVM and ecosystem in the Lean 4 Theorem Prover
- 0xqibing@DataverseOS
- 3forBeijing
- AgnishomKolkata
- alphak3yLast Labs
- bloc13kMetaverse
- blockbuilder97
- bmorphism@plurigrid
- CyndiMC4H
- DadybayoMempool
- danielepuscedduZurich, Switzerland
- DanielRrrNoeon Research
- hargoniXLean FRO
- hussein-aitlahcenBlock 6.282e+10
- intoverflowSeattle, WA
- jtcoolenNomadic Labs
- kejaceFOAM
- kobieaw
- marcellobardusitaly
- matt4739NYC
- mattes@pluto
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- orpheuslummis@CoincidenceNetwork
- PatStiles
- pdg744
- ple1n
- pnwamk@AWS
- Pratyush@arkworks-rs
- rajivpo@framework-labs
- randomishwalkCryptoShire
- rlukata
- rsproule@merit-systems
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- tch1001
- tkersey@thisisartium
- unbalancedparenthesesLambdaClass
- VitalyAnkhMars