The Arch Test Report Repository

This riscv-arch-test-reports github repo is where vendors that wish to self-certify that their implementations are RISC-V compatible file their ACT test results. The riscof framework will generate a test report file with the name

  • <instanceID>-<test-date>.html, where
    • <test-date> is in YYYY-MM-DD format using GMT as the time zone, and
    • <instanceID> is a string that identifies which version of an implementer's core is being tested at the conclusion of running the tests, along with a coverage report. The coverage report is for the vendors use only, and is not needed for self certification.

In addition to pass/fail indications for each individual test that is run, the generated report includes:

  • For any failures, the test case that failed, the expected value, and the actual value found,
  • The ISA string that describes the ISA, extensions, and sub-extensions implemented,
  • Any optional feature and configuration parameters allowed by the architecture that are used, defined by listing a YAML formatted configuration file. The schema is defined by the riscv-config format (see,
  • The vendor and implementation IDs that the DUT will report in those respective CSRs (should be defined in the YAML configuration file),
    •       Note that these may be zero if unimplemented	
  • Name, commit hash, and either version tags or git commit date (in ISO 8601 UTC format w/ offset 00:00) of tools used :

Vendors should submit their test results by filing a Pull Request that adds the test report (named <instanceID>-<test-date>.html as above) and the tools report (named <instanceID>-<test-date>.html as above) into a directory named for the vendor <vendorname> into this repo: Note that the coverage reports should not be part of the Pull Request!

Questions about this policy should be directed to