
When an IOMMU interrupt occurs, is icvec configured by hardware or software?

18772820305 opened this issue · 2 comments

Interrupt-cause-to-vector register maps a cause to a vector. All causes can be mapped to the same
vector or a cause can be given a unique vector. When an IOMMU interrupt occurs, is icvec configured by hardware or software?

Usually in most devices, configurations are provided by software. Hardware may have defaults for certain configurations. In case of the RISC-V IOMMU, reset defaults are specified for a small set of configuration as listed in section 5.2. For the register fields not explicitly listed in section 5.2, the reset default is UNSPECIFIED. The section 6.2 of the specification includes guidelines on initializing the IOMMU registers.

Please see the following sections to understand how the icvec is used:

  • Section 5.27 specifies the icvec register to configure interrupt cause to interrupt vector.
  • Section 6.2 - steps 9 through 11 - specify the software guidelines to initialize the icvec register.
  • Section 5.18 specifies how the configurations in icvec are used by the hardware to select the wire to drive when wire-signaled-interrupts is used (fctl.WSI=1) and to select the address/data pair for message-signaled-interrupts when MSI is used (fctl.WSI=0).

Issue #299 has some additional information that may be helpful in understanding how the icvec works.

Hope that helped. Please feel free to ask if there are further questions.