An Emacs shell-mode (and comint-mode) extension that enables displaying small plots and graphics and lets users write shell commands in Emacs Lisp.
Emacs LispGPL-3.0
- 6C1@squareup
- a13Belgrade, Serbia
- adouzzy
- ajsalminenFinland
- alphapapaUSA
- Ambrevar
- articuluxe
- CeleritasCelery
- eichin
- fuxialexanderColumbia University
- heliac2000
- hieutktWashington University in St. Louis
- hoarfBrasil
- hoeckDresden, Germany
- imarko
- invokesus
- iqbalansariPune, India
- jiegec
- jumper047
- lamarquaMontréal, Québec
- maxhgerlachDeepL SE
- mclearcUnited States
- neeasade
- nyxwulf
- parjanyaSão Paulo
- perveziqbal
- rpdillonSimsbury, CT
- RyanMcCarlWordBrewery
- sameedali
- taijuJapan, Fukui
- tmplt@GrepitAB
- vapniks
- vjohansenDenmark
- wasamasaGermany
- washer@connectedcars
- zonuexe@pixiv Inc. and @emacs-php