- This Server is design to be functioning as a gateway to access mongoDB from other back-end servers pointing RDB.
- JWT Token Authentication Purpose
- Other Functions can be added
- Do NOT make any API calls to other servers as it's a gateway.(For Speed)
- MUST make sure the benchmark score or time can be taken to measure the performance.
- Do NOT make this server do any CPU-Intensive works.
- Keep It Simple and Stupid
Reqeust : /auth
with Json Body(POST):
"token": <ValidJWTToken>,
"func": "user"
Currently support only 'user' func.
Sample Response on Success:
"data": {
"SN": <SN-Integer>,
"_id": <DocId-String>,
"email": <Email-String>,
"flag": <Flag-String>,
"kycID": <KYCID-String>,
"nick": <NickName-String>,
"signupDate": <SignUpDate-DateTime>,
"state": <ActiveStatus-String>,
"wSN": <wSN-Integer>
"result": "ok"
Sample Response on Fail:
"data": "invalid signature",
"result": "failed"