
Monophonic Synthesizer for Arduino Uno

Primary LanguageRubyCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Digital Synth VRA8-M 1.1.0


  • Monophonic Synthesizer (MIDI Sound Module) for Arduino Uno


  • Sketch for Arduino Uno
  • Serial MIDI In (38400 bps), PWM Audio Out (Pin 6), PWM Rate: 62500 Hz
  • Sampling Rate: 15625 Hz, Bit Depth: 8 bits
  • VCF Type (Attenuation Slope): LPF (-12 dB/oct)
  • Recommending Hairless MIDI<->Serial Bridge to connect PC
  • Files
    • DigitalSynthVRA8M/DigitalSynthVRA8M.ino is for Arduino Uno
    • MakeSampleWavFile.cc is for Debugging on PC, make-sample-wav-file-cc.bat makes a sample WAV file
      • Requiring GCC (G++) or other


  • Parameter Editor (MIDI Controller) for VRA8-M, Web App
  • We recommend Google Chrome, which implements Web MIDI API
  • Recommending loopMIDI (virtual loopback MIDI cable) to connect VRA8-M
  • CAUTION: Click sounds occur sometimes when you change the controllers

VRA8-M Ruby Edition

  • Software Synthesizer for Windows, Faithful Simulator of VRA8-M
  • Sampling Rate: 15625 Hz, Bit Depth: 8 bits
  • Requiring Ruby (JRuby), UniMIDI, and win32-sound
    • jgem install unimidi
    • jgem install win32-sound
    • CAUTION: Following operations (with CRuby) also may be required to install these
      • gem install unimidi
      • gem install win32-sound
  • Usage
    • start-var8-m-rb.bat starts VRA8-M Ruby Edition
    • make-sample-wav-file-rb.bat makes a sample WAV file
  • Known Issues
    • VRA8-M Ruby Edition spends the full power of 2 CPU cores...


| Controller            | Value 0       | Value 64      | Value 127     | Default       |
| LFO Rate              | 0.48 Hz       | 8.1 Hz        | 15.5 Hz       | 0             |
| LFO Rate EG Amt       | 0%            | 50%           | 99.2%         | 0             |
| LFO Level EG Coef     | 0%            | 49.6%         | 100%          | 127           |
| VCO Color LFO Amt     | 0%            | 50%           | 99.2%         | 64            |
| VCO Mix (Pulse/Saw)   | Pulse 100%    | Pulse 50.4%   | Pulse 0%      | 0             |
|                       | Saw 0%        | Saw 49.6%     | Saw 100%      |               |
| VCO Mix EG Amt        | 0%            | 50%           | 99.2%         | 127           |
| VCO Pulse Width       | 50%           | 25%           | 0.4%          | 0             |
| VCO Saw Shift         | 0%            | 25%           | 49.6%         | 64            |
| VCO Portamento        | 0.0 s/Oct     | 0.13 s/Oct    | 1.0 s/Oct     | 64            |
| VCF Cutoff            | 0.22 kHz      | 1.2 kHz       | 7.0 kHz       | 0             |
| VCF Cutoff EG Amt     | 0%            | 50%           | 99.2%         | 127           |
| VCF Resonance         | Q = 0.7       | Q = 2.0       | Q = 5.6       | 64            |
| VCA Gain              | 0%            | 50%           | 99.2%         | 127           |
| EG Attack             | 4.2 ms        | 0.14 s        | 4.2 s         | 32            |
| EG Decay/Release      | 10.0 ms       | 0.33 s        | 10.0 s        | 96            |
| EG Sustain            | 0%            | 50%           | 99.2%         | 127           |

A Sample Setting of a Physical Controller (8-Knob)

| CC #16        | CC #17        | CC #18        | CC #19        |
| LFO Rate      | VCO Color     | VCO Mix       | VCF Cutoff    |
| EG Amt        | LFO Amt       | EG Amt        | EG Amt        |
| CC #20        | CC #21        | CC #22        | CC #23        |
| VCF Resonance | EG Attack     | EG Decay/     | EG Sustain    |
|               |               |    Release    |               |

MIDI Implementation Chart

  [Monophonic Synthesizer]                                        Date: 2015-08-11       
  Model  Digital Synth VRA8-M     MIDI Implementation Chart       Version: 1.1.0         
| Function...                   | Transmitted   | Recognized    | Remarks               |
| Basic        Default          | x             | 1             |                       |
| Channel      Changed          | x             | x             |                       |
| Mode         Default          | x             | Mode 4 (M=1)  |                       |
|              Messages         | x             | x             |                       |
|              Altered          | ************* |               |                       |
| Note                          | x             | 0-127         |                       |
| Number       : True Voice     | ************* | 24-84         |                       |
| Velocity     Note ON          | x             | x             |                       |
|              Note OFF         | x             | x             |                       |
| After        Key's            | x             | x             |                       |
| Touch        Ch's             | x             | x             |                       |
| Pitch Bend                    | x             | x             |                       |
| Control                    16 | x             | o             | LFO Rate EG Amt       |
| Change                     17 | x             | o             | VCO Color LFO Amt     |
|                            18 | x             | o             | VCO Mix EG Amt        |
|                            19 | x             | o             | VCF Cutoff EG Amt     |
|                            20 | x             | o             | VCF Resonance         |
|                            21 | x             | o             | EG Attack             |
|                            22 | x             | o             | EG Decay/Release      |
|                            23 | x             | o             | EG Sustain            |
|                            24 | x             | o             | LFO Rate              |
|                            25 | x             | o             | LFO Level EG Coef     |
|                            26 | x             | o             | VCO Mix (Pulse/Saw)   |
|                            27 | x             | o             | VCF Cutoff            |
|                            28 | x             | o             | VCO Pulse Width       |
|                            29 | x             | o             | VCO Saw Shift         |
|                            30 | x             | o             | VCO Portamento        |
|                            31 | x             | o             | VCO Gain              |
| Program                       | x             | x             |                       |
| Change       : True #         | ************* |               |                       |
| System Exclusive              | x             | x             |                       |
| System       : Song Pos       | x             | x             |                       |
| Common       : Song Sel       | x             | x             |                       |
|              : Tune           | x             | x             |                       |
| System       : Clock          | x             | x             |                       |
| Real Time    : Commands       | x             | x             |                       |
| Aux          : Local ON/OFF   | x             | x             |                       |
| Messages     : All Notes OFF  | x             | o             |                       |
|              : Active Sense   | x             | x             |                       |
|              : Reset          | x             | x             |                       |
| Notes                         |                                                       |
|                               |                                                       |
  Mode 1: Omni On,  Poly          Mode 2: Omni On,  Mono          o: Yes                 
  Mode 3: Omni Off, Poly          Mode 4: Omni Off, Mono          x: No