
A tool for visualizing various pathfinding algorithms.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pathfinder Visualiser

Note: hey everyone I'll be unavailable for next 3-4 days, due to an upcoming and important exam and also due to my health reasons. I'll give back reviews and merge pr's on a priority basis after that. Please excuse me till then and thank you!

Hello everyone, this is a visualiser tool for Pathfinding algorithms. I built it beacuse I love getting my hands on algorithms and hope you enjoy playing with it too!

The website is hosted here: https://pathfinder--visualiser.herokuapp.com/


-- Green Node depicts the Start node, and red node depicts the end/goal node.

-- Black boxes represent walls or obstacles, which can be made by dragging your cursor on the grid.

-- Click on 'Visualise algorithm' button to visualise them in action.

What's Next

-- I plan on adding a speed feature to let you control the speed of the visualisation process.

-- Implement functionality to change the location of start and Goal nodes.

-- Add more algorithms as well as obstacles such as Maze to the project to get a deeper grasp over the concept.

Let me know if you have any suggestions/ changes you would like to see in the application.