
Assignments for COL380 Introduction to Parallel Programming

Primary LanguageC


1. Add the following to bashrc in order:

module load apps/anaconda/3
module load compiler/gcc/7.4.0/compilervars
module load compiler/mpi/openmpi/2.0.1/gnu

2. Use make to compile in DEBUG mode: prints input (inp), processing (prc) and output (out) times.

3. Use compile.sh to compile in RELEASE mode: no output.

4. make tc N=1000 will make a 1000 x 1000 example input 1000.A.

5. make clean removes executables, tests and outputs.

6. make is for personal convenience, not for submission.

7. See run.sh for how to run.


1. Test on Linux on personal machine.

2. Rigorous testing:
	2.1 correctness: even though 1000 <= N <= 5000 and T = 2,4,8,16 will be used for competitive scoring,
		correctness for all values of N and T matters. Check corner cases eg. T=1, N=1.
	2.2 stability: check with format_checker.py for many inputs, especially for MPI
		(I have used floats instead of doubles in MPI under the assumption that floats provide
		sufficient precision -- floats are faster to move around than doubles)

3. Specifications:
	3.1 30Gb RAM
	3.2 scripts etc
	3.3 stuff mentioned in pdf (and piazza)
	3.4 exit(0) for L[j,j] == 0

4. Experiments, Plots, Explanation (I'll do that: Rishabh), Report