
A web application to manage an offline library.

Primary LanguagePython

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HoneyComb Library Management System

This is an interactive web application to manage an offline Library.

Project Requirements (for local hosting)

  • Python 3.8
  • MySQL server and MySQL Workbench (recommended 8.0 and above)
  • Git

To run the project on local server,

  • Clone the remote reopsitory on your system.
  • Install all the dependencies by running the command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a new connection in MySQL Workbench and import the database from database.sql file in the /sqldump directory.
  • Run the command python manage.py makemigrations
  • Run the command python manage.py migrate
  • Run the command python manage.py runserver and browse the corresponding URL provided.
  • Create a user in MySQL Workbench with the name dbadmin and leave the password field blank.
  • Granting all permissions to the user.