
Code in C++ that simulates the Turtlebot in the Gazebo Environment to move in a polygon of predefined sides and length of each side. This project is a a subpart of the coursework in Robotics and Perception at University of Maryland.


mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/rishabh1b/TurtlebotPolygon
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash

An example for drawing Square-

Terminal 1 -

roslaunch turtlebot_polygon spawn_empty.launch

Terminal 2 -

rosrun turtlebot_polygon proppolygon -n 4 -d 1

or this can be run directly with the help of a launch file -

roslaunch turtlebot_polygon basic_walking.launch num_sides:=4 length:=1

The software will work with the Indigo and Kinetic with native gazebo simulators(Gazebo-2 for Indigo and Gazebo-7 for Kinetic). To use Gazebo-7 with Indigo, see instructions below-

Instructions for using it with Gazebo-7 and Indigo

Make sure you have a simulation packages for turtlebot installed from source. The Instructions to install this are as follows:

  1. Install necessary dependencies
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-kobuki-testsuite pyqt4-dev-tools
  1. Create a workspace with the turtlebot and kobuki packages
$ mkdir ~/turtle_ws
$ cd ~/turtle_ws
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot_simulator
$ git clone https://github.com/rohbotics/kobuki_desktop.git
  1. Change branches for kobuki desktop - Make sure you switch to Kinetic before building
$ cd kobuki_desktop
$ git checkout kinetic
  1. Compile the workspace
$ cd ~/turtle_ws
$ catkin_make

Now, to run the control code of the current software, we will overlay the turtle_ws onto the catkin_ws In a new terminal:

cd ~/catkin_ws
source ~/turtle_ws/devel/setup.bash
catkin_make --force-cmake
source devel/setup.bash

Use --force-cmake option in catkin_make to make sure that the turtle_ws is overlayed properly

Finally, to test the implementaation, run the launch file -

roslaunch turtlebot_polygon basic_walking.launch