
A simple simulation of the nuclear fusion occurring within a star.

Primary LanguagePython

Nucleosynthesis in a crude stellar model

1. Model

A star is represented by a pair of random matrices: proton number z and neutron number n. The resultant mass number matrix a = z + n serves well for most of the computation. Its initial chemical composition is that of Hydrogen and Deuterium, similar to a protostar.

The square matrix dimensions are determined by dim in main.py.

2. Gravitation

The Newtonian gravitational force vector is computed for every element in the mass number matrix. The components are normalised as weighted probabilities of movement in that particular direction.

3. Nuclear fusion

Once the core temperature exceeds the threshold, fusion begins. For every element in the mass number matrix, a neighbouring element is selected at random. All possible nuclear reactions between the two elements are identified and, based on their Q values, normalised as weighted probabilities.

4. Probabilistic nature

The code implements movement of elements under gravity and the selection of nuclear reactions through the generation of random numbers amongst the weighted probabilities, lending a heavily statistical approach to the evolution of the star.

5. Output

When the main module is first executed, a log.txt file and an images directory will be created. The iterated chemical compositions will be written to the former, while the graphical results will be stored in the latter. The console only counts the iterations and logs the stellar fuel remaining so that the user may intuit the program execution time.