
This Repository contains my current practice and learning code files

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Learning & Practice Repository

Welcome to my repository where I store all my practice questions and learning projects! This is a collection of code, projects, and notes that I have worked on to improve my skills in various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies.


This repository is a personal collection of coding challenges, algorithms, data structures, and mini-projects that I have completed while learning new concepts. It serves as both a reference for myself and a showcase of my progress in programming and software development.


The repository is organized by folders, each containing projects and practice questions related to a specific topic or language.

└── Swift/
    ├── Basics/
        └── Switch/
    ├── Xcode/
        ├── Quiz/
        ├── Story Teller/
        └── .../
└── Java/
    ├── Section-7: Inheritance/
        └── .../
    ├── Section-8: Polymorphism/
        └── .../
    ├── Section-9: Arrays/
        └── .../
    ├── .../
└── Python/
    ├── Quiz App/
    ├── Habit Tracker Project/
    ├── Stock News Monitoring Project/
    ├── Pong Game/
    ├── .../
└── Question Practice/
    ├── LeetCode/
        └── :)
└── Web/
└── README.md
└── .gitignore

Each folder contains subdirectories and files that are specific to the topic. For example, the Algorithms folder might contain files for sorting algorithms, while the Projects folder contains more extensive applications.

Languages & Tools

Here are some of the languages and tools that you'll find in this repository:

  • Languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Swift, HTML, CSS, SQL
  • Frameworks & Libraries: React, Node.js, Express
  • Tools: Git, VSCode, npm, Docker

How to Use

You can clone this repository and explore the different projects and solutions. If you're interested in a specific topic, navigate to the corresponding folder. Each project or solution may include its own README with more details.

To clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/rishabhgokhe/codebase.git
cd your-repository-name


This is a personal learning repository, but if you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions are welcome!

Connect with Me

If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to reach out:

LinkedIn Portfolio Email GitHub Twitter Instagram

Email Address : rishabhgokhe20contact@gmail.com