
Set up AWS EKS Kubernetes Cluster inside VPC with autoscaled gitlab runners on EC2 instances for devops pipeline, fluentd for collecting logs from each container and push to AWS Elasticsearch cluster, Openvpn to setup vpn inside Kubernetes cluster, Prometheus for collecting detailed metrics from containers and Grafana to have beautiful dashboards of metrics

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Deploy a full AWS EKS cluster with Terraform along with Autoscaled Gitlab Runners, Fluentd, Prometheus, Grafana Dashboards. Use the power of open source and give back to community :)

What resources are created

  1. VPC
  2. Internet Gateway (IGW)
  3. Public and Private Subnets
  4. Security Groups, Route Tables and Route Table Associations
  5. IAM roles, instance profiles and policies
  6. An EKS Cluster
  7. Autoscaling group and Launch Configuration
  8. Worker Nodes in a private Subnet
  9. The ConfigMap required to register Nodes with EKS
  10. KUBECONFIG file to authenticate kubectl


You can configure you config with the following input variables:

Name Description Default
cluster-name The name of your EKS Cluster eks-demo
aws-region The AWS Region to deploy EKS us-east-1
instance-type Worker Node EC2 instance type m4.large
asg-desired Autoscaling Desired node capacity 1
asg-max Autoscaling Maximum node capacity 1
asg-min Autoscaling Minimum node capacity 1
vpc-cidr VPC CIDR
vpc-public-cidrs VPC Public subnets ["", "", ""]
vpc-private-cidrs VPC Private subnets ["", "", ""]


You need to run the following commands to create the resources with Terraform:

terraform init
terraform plan -out eks-demo
terraform apply "eks-demo"

Setup kubectl


terraform output kubeconfig > ${HOME}/.kube/config-eks-demo
export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG:~/.kube/config-eks-demo
echo 'export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG:~/.kube/config-eks-demo' >> ~/.bash_profiles   (macOSX)


echo 'export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG:~/.kube/config-eks-demo' >> ~/.bashrc  (linux)

Authorize worker nodes

Get the config from terraform output, and save it to a yaml file:

terraform output config-map > config-map-aws-auth.yaml

Apply the config map to EKS:

kubectl apply -f config-map-aws-auth.yaml

You can verify the worker nodes are joining the cluster and becoming ready

kubectl get nodes --watch

Great EKS is all setup! head over to other folders and start deploying....

Cleaning up

You can destroy this cluster and vpc entirely by running:

terraform destroy
├── README.md
├── autoscaling-kube-gitlab-runner
│   ├── README.md
│   └── gitlab-runner.yaml
├── fluentd
│   ├── README.md
│   └── fluent.yaml
├── ingress
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── alb-ingress-controller.yaml
│   ├── alb-ingress-definition.yaml
│   └── alb-rbac-role.yaml
├── openvpn
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── openvpn-pv-claim.yaml
│   └── openvpn.yaml
├── prometheus-grafana
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── dashboard.json
│   ├── grafana.yaml
│   └── prometheus.yaml
└── terraform-eks
    ├── README.md
    ├── main.tf
    ├── modules
    │   ├── eks
    │   │   ├── eks_ingress.permissions.json
    │   │   ├── main.tf
    │   │   └── outputs.tf
    │   └── vpc
    │       ├── main.tf
    │       ├── outputs.tf
    │       └── variables.tf
    ├── outputs.tf
    └── variables.tf

Helpful links


