
Wasserstoff: Task 1/Task 2 (2024 Blockchain Interviews)

Primary LanguageSolidity

Development Process Documentation


This document provides an overview of the development process for the LoadBalancer smart contract, focusing on design decisions, challenges encountered, and their respective resolutions.

Design Decisions

Smart Contract Architecture

The decision was made to implement a proxy-based architecture using the Solidity programming language. The proxy contract, named LoadBalancer, serves as an entry point for various functionalities, delegating calls to specific implementation contracts based on function selectors.

Functionality Registry

To facilitate dynamic delegation, a registry of implementation contract addresses was introduced. This registry maps function selectors to their corresponding implementation addresses, allowing for easy updates and maintenance.

Delegation Mechanism

A flexible delegation mechanism was implemented to support all types of function calls and data passing. The delegatecall opcode was used to forward calls and data to the specific implementation contract while preserving the context of the proxy contract.

Security Measures

Security considerations included proper validation of input parameters, prevention of invalid or malicious updates to the registry, and protection against reentrancy attacks.

Challenges Faced


One significant challenge was dealing withations, especially during updates to the registry or when deploying new implementation contracts.ization techniques, such as using the delegatecall opcode judiciously and minimizing storage reads/writes, were employed to mitigate these challenges.

Handling Multiple Contracts in Diamond Contract

Integrating and managing multiple contracts within the Diamond contract posed an additional complexity. Ensuring seamless interaction and coordination among different facets required careful design and testing to avoid potential conflicts and ensure the overall integrity of the Diamond contract structure.


The development of the LoadBalancer smart contract involved careful consideration of design decisions, overcomingations, addressing security challenges, and managing the complexity of handling multiple contracts within the Diamond contract. Continuous testing, community engagement, and adherence to best practices were pivotal in achieving a robust and secure smart contract.

For a detailed history of commits, pull requests, and discussions, refer to the project's Git repository.

DeployScript For LoadBalancer


The provided Solidity script represents a deployment script written in Solidity, specifically designed to deploy a Diamond (multi-faceted) smart contract using the Foundry framework. Here's a breakdown of the key components and actions within the script:

Code Breakdown

Solidity Version and License Identifier:

The script begins with the version pragma ^0.8.0, indicating compatibility with Solidity version 0.8.0 or higher. The SPDX license identifier MIT specifies the licensing terms for the script.


The script imports various Solidity source files required for the deployment process:

  • Script.sol from the forge-std library.
  • Several local source files, including LoadBalancer.sol, DiamondCutFacet.sol, DiamondLoupeFacet.sol, OwnershipFacet.sol, DiamondInit.sol, and HelperContract.sol.

Contract Declaration:

The DeployScript contract is declared, inheriting from the Script contract and HelperContract.

run Function:

The run function is defined as external and serves as the entry point for the deployment process.

Environment Variables:

The function reads environment variables such as PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY to determine the deployer's private key and address for transaction signing.

Deployment of Facets and Initialization:

The script deploys instances of the DiamondCutFacet, DiamondLoupeFacet, and OwnershipFacet contracts. It also deploys a DiamondInit contract.

Diamond Initialization Arguments:

The script creates a DiamondArgs structure to hold the initialization arguments for the Diamond contract, including the owner's address, the initialization address, and initialization calldata.

Facet Cut Configuration:

An array of FacetCut structures is created, containing information about the facets to be added, including their addresses, actions, and associated function selectors.

Deployment of Diamond Contract:

A LoadBalancer contract is deployed, passing the facet cut configuration and the initialization arguments.

Broadcast Operations:

The script invokes startBroadcast and stopBroadcast methods, suggesting a broadcast mechanism for transaction management.


The script defines the deployment logic for a LoadBalancer, including the deployment of facets and the initialization of the Diamond contract. It leverages environment variables for transaction signing and orchestrates the deployment process within the Ethereum network using Solidity.

Test Results

use forge test --ffi instead forge test for excuting the test files successfully. Below are the test cases you will get after executing test files .


Ran 20 tests for src/facets/Test1Facet.sol:Test1Facet

  • test1Func1()
  • test1Func10()
  • test1Func11()
  • test1Func12()
  • test1Func13()
  • test1Func14()
  • test1Func15()
  • test1Func16()
  • test1Func17()
  • test1Func18()
  • test1Func19()
  • test1Func2()
  • test1Func20()
  • test1Func3()
  • test1Func4()
  • test1Func5()
  • test1Func6()
  • test1Func7()
  • test1Func8()
  • test1Func9()


Ran 20 tests for src/facets/Test2facet.sol:Test2Facet

  • test2Func1()
  • test2Func10()
  • test2Func11()
  • test2Func12()
  • test2Func13()
  • test2Func14()
  • test2Func15()
  • test2Func16()
  • test2Func17()
  • test2Func18()
  • test2Func19()
  • test2Func2()
  • test2Func20()
  • test2Func3()
  • test2Func4()
  • test2Func5()
  • test2Func6()
  • test2Func7()
  • test2Func8()
  • test2Func9()


Ran 1 test for test/LoadBalancer.t.sol:TestCacheBug

  • testNoCacheBug()
    • Verifies that the LoadBalancer contract does not exhibit caching issues.


Ran 3 tests for test/LoadBalancer.t.sol:TestAddFacet1

  • test4AddTest1FacetFunctions()
    • Tests the addition of functions from Test1Facet to the LoadBalancer.
  • test5CanCallTest1FacetFunction()
    • Verifies that functions from Test1Facet can be successfully called.
  • test6ReplaceSupportsInterfaceFunction()
    • Tests the replacement of the supportsInterface function in Test1Facet.


Ran 4 tests for test/LoadBalancer.t.sol:TestAddFacet2

  • test10RemoveAllExceptDiamondCutAndFacetFunction()
    • Tests the removal of all functions except DiamondCut and facet-related functions.
  • test7AddTest2FacetFunctions()
    • Tests the addition of functions from Test2Facet to the LoadBalancer.
  • test8RemoveSomeTest2FacetFunctions()
    • Tests the removal of some functions from Test2Facet.
  • test9RemoveSomeTest1FacetFunctions()
    • Tests the removal of some functions from Test1Facet.


Ran 3 tests for test/LoadBalancer.t.sol:LoadBalancerTest

  • test1HasThreeFacets()
    • Verifies that the LoadBalancer has three facets.
  • test2FacetsHaveCorrectSelectors()
    • Ensures that facets in the LoadBalancer have correct selectors.
  • test3SelectorsAssociatedWithCorrectFacet()
    • Checks that selectors are associated with the correct facets.