
Final year Project : Profile Verification using blockchain

The resumes submitted to the universities and recruiters contain many counterfeit projects and certificates. In the current scenario, third party organizations are used to verify these resumes. In our project, recruiters can directly authenticate the certificates using our application ”profile verification system”. This eliminates the counterfeit certificates and provides easy authentication.

Employers face a major hiring hurdle, verifying information on a candidate’s resume.A survey by one of the largest online job finder sites, CareerBuilder, shows that a staggering 58 percent of employers have caught a lie on a resume.

The site has more than 23 million unique visitors and over 1.6 million jobs. Imagine a world where certifications were written securely, where they could not be deleted or changed.

Now, sharing them with employers for recruitment becomes transparent and easy. Smart chain offers this solution for digital educational certificates.


A student has multiple achivements or certificates which consists of the courses and projects which he/she has completed.

He/she uploads these documents highlighting his achievements/certifications on the platform where these remain persistent.

The verifiers (which can be professors or mentors/teachers) can inspect these documents for genuineness. If the documents are found to be genuine, they are added to the blockchain.

A set of three teachers are required to validate a certificate. If anyone verifier or miner marks it as false certificate then it is not validated further and the certificate is dropped.

Once a set of three teachers have verified the certificate then there is permanently added to the network.

Tech Used

Solidity to write the smart contract

Frontend: HTML,CSS,JS

Backend: Web3.js, Vanilla js

Truffle framework to test and run

npm lite server

How to run

  1. Install the ganache application.(based on win/linux/mac)
  2. Install npm latest version.
  3. Install the truffle framework.
  4. Install metamask chrome extension and sync/connect it with ganache local server 8545(Check youtube videos how to setup ganche and metamask with local server)
  5. Now open terminal/Cmd prompt, go to the project directory and run the following commands:
 truffle compile
 truffle migrate --reset
 npm run dev 

(you might get an error in npm cmd,so delete the node_module file and reinstall it using "npm install" cmd.)