Log Analysis

Project Description

In this project, you'll work with data that could have come from a real-world web application, with fields representing information that a web server would record, such as HTTP status codes and URL paths. The web server and the reporting tool both connect to the same database, allowing information to flow from the web server into the report.


  • Python
  • Vagrant
  • VirtualBox

Running the project

$ cd fullstack-nanodegree-vm\vagrant
  • Unzip data here.
  • Lauch the vagrant vm using command : (It may take a while for first time)
$ vagrant up
  • Log in to vm using command:
$ vagrant ssh
  • Dowload/Clone the files from this repo.
  • Setup the database in vm using command:
$ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
  • Connect to database in vm using command : this step is just to examine databse
$ psql -d news
  • To execute queries, run this command in vm:
$ cd Log Analysis 
$ python report.py