Nomeroff Net. Automatic numberplate recognition system. Version 2.3
Nomeroff Net is an opensource python license plate recognition framework based on the application of a segmentation neural network and cusomized OCR-module powered by GRU architecture.
The project is now at the initial stage of development, write to us if you are interested in helping us in the formation of a dataset for your country.
Version 2.1 2.5x faster Nomeroff Net 1.0.x! This improvement was achieved by replacing segmentation model CenterMask2 with a Object Detection YoloV5 and Scene Text Detection CRAFT models.
Nomeroff Net requires Python >= 3.6 and opencv 3.4 or latest
Clone Project and clone related projects
git clone
cd nomeroff-ne
# for Opencv
yum install libSM
# for pycocotools install
yum install python3-devel
# ensure that you have installed gcc compiler
yum install gcc
yum install git
# Before "yum install ..." download to /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install libjpeg-turbo-official
# ensure that you have installed gcc compiler
apt-get install gcc
# for opencv install
apt-get install -y libglib2.0
apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-glx
# for pycocotools install (Check the name of the dev-package for your python3)
apt-get install python3.6-dev
# other packages
apt-get install -y git
apt-get install -y libturbojpeg
pip3 install "torch>=1.8"
pip3 install "PyYAML>=5.4"
pip3 install "torchvision>=0.9"
pip3 install Cython
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
On Windows, you must have the Visual C++ 2015 build tools on your path. If you don't, make sure to install them from here:
Then, run visualcppbuildtools_full.exe
and select default options:
# Specify device
import os
# Specify device
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
os.environ["TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH"] = "true"
# Import all necessary libraries.
import numpy as np
import sys
import cv2
# NomeroffNet path
NOMEROFF_NET_DIR = os.path.abspath('../')
# Import license plate recognition tools.
from NomeroffNet.YoloV5Detector import Detector
detector = Detector()
from NomeroffNet.BBoxNpPoints import NpPointsCraft, getCvZoneRGB, convertCvZonesRGBtoBGR, reshapePoints
npPointsCraft = NpPointsCraft()
from NomeroffNet.OptionsDetector import OptionsDetector
from NomeroffNet.TextDetector import TextDetector
from NomeroffNet import TextDetector
from NomeroffNet import textPostprocessing
# load models
optionsDetector = OptionsDetector()
textDetector = TextDetector.get_static_module("eu")
# Detect numberplate
img_path = 'images/example2.jpeg'
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
targetBoxes = detector.detect_bbox(img)
all_points = npPointsCraft.detect(img, targetBoxes,[5,2,0])
# cut zones
zones = convertCvZonesRGBtoBGR([getCvZoneRGB(img, reshapePoints(rect, 1)) for rect in all_points])
# predict zones attributes
regionIds, countLines = optionsDetector.predict(zones)
regionNames = optionsDetector.getRegionLabels(regionIds)
# find text with postprocessing by standart
textArr = textDetector.predict(zones)
textArr = textPostprocessing(textArr, regionNames)
# ['JJF509', 'RP70012']
Note: This example disables some important Nomeroff Net features. It will recognize numbers that are photographed in a horizontal position.
import os
# Specify device
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
os.environ["TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH"] = "true"
# Import all necessary libraries.
import numpy as np
import sys
import cv2
# NomeroffNet path
NOMEROFF_NET_DIR = os.path.abspath('../')
# Import license plate recognition tools.
from NomeroffNet.YoloV5Detector import Detector
detector = Detector()
#from NomeroffNet.OptionsDetector import OptionsDetector
from NomeroffNet.TextDetector import TextDetector
from NomeroffNet import TextDetector
from NomeroffNet import textPostprocessing
# load models
#optionsDetector = OptionsDetector()
textDetector = TextDetector.get_static_module("eu")
# Detect numberplate
img_path = 'images/example2.jpeg'
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
targetBoxes = detector.detect_bbox(img)
zones = []
regionNames = []
for targetBox in targetBoxes:
x = int(min(targetBox[0], targetBox[2]))
w = int(abs(targetBox[2]-targetBox[0]))
y = int(min(targetBox[1], targetBox[3]))
h = int(abs(targetBox[3]-targetBox[1]))
image_part = img[y:y + h, x:x + w]
# find text with postprocessing by standart
textArr = textDetector.predict(zones)
textArr = textPostprocessing(textArr, regionNames)
# ['RP70012', 'JJF509']
In order to evaluate the quality of work of Nomeroff Net without spending time on setting up and installing, we made an online form in which you can upload your photo and get the recognition result online
All data on the basis of which the training was conducted is provided by In the following, we will call this data the AUTO.RIA Numberplate Dataset.
We will be grateful for your help in the formation and layout of the dataset with the image of the license plates of your country. For markup, we recommend using VGG Image Annotator (VIA)
The system uses several neural networks. One of them is the classifier of numbers at the post-processing stage. It uses dataset AUTO.RIA Numberplate Options Dataset.
The categorizer accurately (99%) determines the country and the type of license plate. Please note that now the classifier is configured mainly for the definition of Ukrainian numbers, for other countries it will be necessary to train the classifier with new data.
As OCR, we use a specialized implementation of a neural network with GRU layers, for which we have created several datasets:
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR UA Dataset (Ukrainian)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR UA Dataset (Ukrainian) with old design Dataset
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR EU Dataset (European)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR RU Dataset (Russian)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR KZ Dataset (Kazakh)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR GE Dataset (Georgian)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR BY Dataset (Belarus)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR SU Dataset (exUSSR)
- AUTO.RIA Numberplate OCR KG Dataset (Kyrgyzstan)
If we did not manage to update the link on dataset you can find the latest version here
This gives you the opportunity to get 99% accuracy on photos that are uploaded to AUTO.RIA project
Number plate recognition example
Contributions to this repository are welcome. Examples of things you can contribute:
- Training on other datasets.
- Accuracy Improvements.
- Dmytro Probachay <>
- Oleg Cherniy <>