
30 days of Data Structures in C++

Primary LanguageC++

30 Days of Data Structures

With this challenge I aim to understand and implement some basic data structures which are the foundation of efficient codes.

Do not expect the implementations to be the best or to be bug free.

Each data structure has its own directory along with a separate README file.


  • Array
    • Access
    • Search
    • Insert (at end)
    • Delete(at specified index)
  • Linked List
    • Access
    • Search
    • Insert (at end)
    • Delete (of specified value)
    • Traverse
  • Stack
    • Push
    • Pop
  • Queue
    • Enqueue
    • Dequeue
  • Binary Tree
    • Insert
    • Delete
    • Traversals
      • In-order
      • Pre-order
      • Post-order
    • Binary Search Tree
      • Insert
      • Search
      • Delete


Day Topic Sub-Topic
00 Data Structure Introduction
01 Array Algorithm
02 Linked List Algorithm
03 Linked List Implementation
04 Stack Algorithm
05 Stack Implementation
06 Queue Algorithm
07 Queue Implementation
08 Binary Tree Algorithm
09 Binary Tree Implementation (without STL)
10 Binary Tree & Traversals Implementation (with STL)
11 Binary Search Tree Algorithm
12 Binary Search Tree Implementation
