
Buckoid: Expense Tracker App For Android. Manage all your expenditure and stay within your budget and save some money.

Primary LanguageKotlin



Problem Statement:

How do we track our expenses successfully? What about our personal capital? How much we spend we don't keep track and we spend a lot more than our budget. Let's face it — saving money in today's world is not easy. We need a budget manager and expense tracking App which will keep a track record of all our expenditure.

Proposed Solution :

This Project proposes an “Expense Tracking App”. Luckily, Buckoid is more than a money tracker, it's also one of the best savings apps to help you with money management. Keep track of your personal expenses and compare them to your monthly income with the budget planner. Keep track of train, cab, movie, event bookings, and more. Keep your monthly budget in mint condition. This app will helpus to become a budgeting masters and we can start saving money with Buckoid.


Playstore App Image

Functionality & Concepts used :

The App has a very simple and interactive interface which helps the user to track his Expenses. Following are a few android concepts used to achieve the functionalities in the app :

  • Constraint Layout : Most of the activities in the app uses a flexible constraint layout, which is easy to handle for different screen sizes.
  • Simple & Easy Views Design : Use of familiar audience EditText with hints and interactive buttons made it easier for users to add or update transactions. It consists of Material Widgits and Components like Card Views, Toggle Component, etc. Apps also uses App Navigation(Jetpack Library Component) to switch between different screens. It has a graphical representation of data.
  • Dark Mode/Light Mode: User can change App Theme easily at any time according to their convenience.
  • Bottom Navigation: It has bottom navigation to navigate between top screens and gives user a more enhanced UI/Ux interface.
  • RecyclerView : To present the list of different transactions done we used the efficient recyclerview.
  • LiveData & Room Database : We are using LiveData to store & Update new transactions.

Application Link & Future Scope :

The app is currently in the Playstore in production mode (Under Review). You can access the app: View On Google Play. Check our Codebase on Github: Code Link.

Once the app is fully launched and functional we plan to add more features like Backup in Google Drive using Google Drive API so that all the user data remains saved. Then we are planning to add Collect Coins & Badges on certain no of transactions and unlock more features so that the user comes to the app daily and stores his transactions each time. Then we are planning to include Goal saving features so that users can plan for certain goals and achieve them like Vacation trips, Buying a mobile, etc. Also, we are planning to include more visual data representation so that users can have a very clear look and compare and stay within their Budget.