Question Paper Generator API

This is a Question Paper Generator API built using Node.js and MongoDB.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd question-paper-generator
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up MongoDB:

    • Make sure MongoDB is installed and running on your machine or you can use my mongo db test url.

    • Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:



      MONGO_URL = "mongodb+srv://"

Running the Application

npm start

API Endpoints


Method Endpoint Description Request Body Response Body
POST /api/addQuestions Create a new question JSON JSON
GET /api/generate-paper Get questions according to request JSON JSON

1. Create a new question

Endpoint: POST /api/addQuestions

Description: Create a new question.

Request Body Example:

  "question": "What is the speed of light?",
  "subject": "Physics",
  "topic": "Waves",
  "difficulty": "Easy",
  "marks": 5

Response Body Example:

  "message": "Question added successfully"

2. Get all questions

Endpoint: GET /api/generate-paper

Description: Get questions according to request.

Request Body Example 1:

  "totalMarks": 100,
  "difficultyDistribution": {
    "Easy": 30,
    "Medium": 60,
    "Hard": 10

Response Body Example:

  "total_questions": 15,
  "total_marks": 100,
  "distribution": {
    "Easy": {
      "targetMarks": 20,
      "currentMarks": 20,
      "count": 4,
      "topics": {}
    "Medium": {
      "targetMarks": 50,
      "currentMarks": 50,
      "count": 7,
      "topics": {}
    "Hard": {
      "targetMarks": 30,
      "currentMarks": 30,
      "count": 4,
      "topics": {}
  "questions": [...]

Request Body Example 2:

  "totalMarks": 100,
  "difficultyDistribution": {
    "Easy": 30,
    "Medium": 60,
    "Hard": 10
  "topicDistribution": {
    "Physics": 40,
    "Chemistry": 30,
    "Mathematics": 30

Response Body Example:

  "total_questions": 17,
  "total_marks": 100,
  "distribution": {
    "Easy": {
      "targetMarks": 30,
      "currentMarks": 30,
      "count": 5,
      "topics": {
        "Physics": {
          "targetMarks": 12,
          "currentMarks": 12,
          "count": 2
        "Chemistry": {
          "targetMarks": 9,
          "currentMarks": 6,
          "count": 1
        "Mathematics": {
          "targetMarks": 9,
          "currentMarks": 6,
          "count": 1
    "Medium": {
      "targetMarks": 60,
      "currentMarks": 60,
      "count": 10,
      "topics": {
        "Physics": {
          "targetMarks": 24,
          "currentMarks": 24,
          "count": 4
        "Chemistry": {
          "targetMarks": 18,
          "currentMarks": 18,
          "count": 4
        "Mathematics": {
          "targetMarks": 18,
          "currentMarks": 18,
          "count": 4
    "Hard": {
      "targetMarks": 10,
      "currentMarks": 10,
      "count": 2,
      "topics": {
        "Physics": {
          "targetMarks": 4,
          "currentMarks": 1,
          "count": 1
        "Chemistry": {
          "targetMarks": 3,
          "currentMarks": 1,
          "count": 1
        "Mathematics": {
          "targetMarks": 3,
          "currentMarks": 1,
          "count": 1
  "questions": [...]
