
A sample gRPC Todo app with server and client made using Dart.

Primary LanguageDart




  • Remote Procedure Call Framework by Google
  • What does ‘g’ stand for? Check here
  • Cross-platform, general purpose
  • Uses Protocol Buffers
  • Based around the idea of defining a service, specifying the methods
  • Abstraction is easy (it’s a function call)
  • Supported on a lot of languages


This repository is a demo written to show how to implement gRPC using Dart. We have created a simple Todo application to show creating and reading items, both individually and as a stream.


  • Make a .proto file
  • Write necessary proto code in that file
  • Generate dart code using protoc compiler and protoc plugin
  • Can run dart code directly
  • Can integrate with a Flutter application

Made with ❤️ by Rishav