MARL Packet Router

This repository is an extension to the work which appears in the paper Multi-Agent Packet Routing (MAPR): Co-Operative Packet Routing Algorithm with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.


UAVs, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have been increasingly put to use to collect and distribute data among IoT Nodes distributed spatially, especially in remote areas with little to no network access. One particular use case is the deployment of UAVs to collect data from a particular group of nodes and deliver it to a central aggregator. Two major bottlenecks can be identified in this paradigm, as compared to the direct transmission counterpart:

  1. Time taken for UAV to travel in space is significantly higher than average data transmission times
  2. UAVs are resource constrained devices and can only travel a bounded distance before needing another recharge

Thus, effective UAV path planning and inter UAV packet routing algorithms play a crucial role in the performance of the system. This project focuses on UAV packet routing. In essence, we implemented a MARL (Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning) technique to route packets among UAVs. Packet routing is defined as the problem of a router deciding where to forward the next packet to minimize the delivery time and maximize the probability of packet delivery. Although MARL-based packet routing is a promising approach, there are several key challenges that arise. First, the co-operative environment that the existing models work with, train all agents independently. There is no parameter sharing involved between these agents during the learning process, that limits the routing model generation. The coordination between agents only happens outside the training phase. Second, the existing models are based on Deep Q-Networks, which are considered to be optimistic in nature and thus results in additive increase to rewards of certain actions. Third, a common challenge with MARL-based approaches is that the designed reward function can lead to instances of lazy agents –when global rewards are given higher importance, or selfish agents –when local rewards are given higher importance. Such category of agents lead to sub-optimal models and hence scenarios leading to generation of selfish and lazy agents should not be allowed by the packet routing algorithm. In light of this, we develop a co-operative packet routing algorithm, Multi-Agent Packet Routing (MAPR), which ensures that the neighbour information and performance influences the learning process. Furthermore, MAPR also addresses the issue of over-estimation with the existing DQN-based approaches.

In this paper we have only considered static nodes. However, in several wireless scenarios like UAVs, the nodes keep on moving. Hence, MAPR should take node mobility into consideration. As we talk about running MAPR on UAVs or similar resource constrained devices, two challenges come into picture. First, the reward function should take into consideration the node resources such as storage and energy consumption. Second, some of these nodes might not have the compute power to train a DQN by itself. In such scenarios, either compression or offloading techniques could be utilized to support training. This is left as future work.

The setup is summarised in the next section.


We call the nodes generating data IoT nodes, which are relayed by the UAVs to the aggregator, which is referred to as the Base Station. The map is a grid of size nxm, in which each cell of the grid is occupied by either IoT Nodes, UAVs, or the Base Station (unique). It is assumed that the UAVs are fixed in space, and can only participate in packet routing, i.e transmission of data to other UAVs. The figure below illustrates a 3x3 grid.

Map Example

The data is represented in the form of packets, which are of fixed size. IoT Nodes generate these packets with different rates. Further, a UAV can only transfer a data packet to its neighbours. A is said to be a neigbour of B if it is one hop away from B. Each UAV has a queue of fixed length to store the packets. In each time unit, a UAV can only send out one packet to its neighbour, which would be at the head of the queue (FIFO policy).


The project requires the following packages to be installed:

  • matplotlib==3.5.2
  • numpy==1.22.3
  • tensorflow==2.9.1
  • torch==1.11.0
  • tqdm==4.64.0

How to run

The project can be easily setup by using the included MakeFile. The steps below need to be followed:

  1. sudo apt install python3-virtualenv , For MAC - pip3 install virtualenv
  2. virtualenv environment_name
  3. source env/bin/activate
  4. make setup
  5. make run

Now the project is ready to run. To run, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a folder in which the results are to be received
  2. Add a config.ini file to the folder (details listed below)
  3. make run folder = folder_name
  4. A progress bar would indicate the progress of the training. Once the execution is completed, the results can be viewed in the results folder created earlier

About config.ini:

This is the configuration file through which parameters in the project can be configured. It should contain sections: map, train_model, test_model, packet, reward, scaling_factor. A default config file is included in the root directory, which can be editted and added to the results folder. A brief descripiton of the parameters is given below:


  • n: number of rows in the grid
  • m: number of columns in the grid
  • p: In case of a random map, probability that a cell would have a UAV (It would have an IoT node with prob. 1-p)


  • train: boolean value indicating if the model is to be trained in the next run
  • num_memory_fill_eps: number of episodes for which to run the code to fill replay memory of DQNs before actual training starts
  • tot_epsiodes: Total number of episodes to train the DQNs
  • tot_time: Total time elapsed in each episode
  • update_frequency: Number of episodes after which to udpdate the target network of agents


  • num_test_eps: Total number of episodes to test the model
  • generate_packets_till: Number of episodes till which IoT Nodes will generate packets


  • def_ttl: initial ttl of each packet


  • agent_to_agent_scale: Scaling factor in the reward awarded by one agent to the other while receiving packet
  • scale_base_reward: Scaling factor in reward provided by Base Station when a packet is delivered
  • ttl_zero_reward: Reward awarded to agent in case a packet's ttl reduces to zero
  • packet_drop_reward: Reward awarded to agent for dropping a packet
  • include_distance: Boolean value indicating if the manhattan distance of the recipient UAV should be considered while computing reward for the forwarding UAV while forwarding a packet

scaling factor

  • type: Scaling factor in reward based on ttl of packets given to UAVs

While running the code, a map is to be provided. A custom map can be provided to the program, or a map can be randomly spawned. To randomly spawn a map, the n and m parameters are to be provided in the config file. A single Base Station is added to one location at random. Each other location of the map is assigned either a UAV (with probability p) or an IoT Node (with probability 1-p). A custom map can also be provided. We have added 5 maps in the /Maps directory, for 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 2x2, 2x4 and 3x3 map sizes. The process of creating is custome map is given below.

Creating a custom Map

To create a map of size nxm, create a file and name it map_n_m.txt. There need to be n lines in the file, each corresponding to a row in the map. Each line would have m space separated characters. Each charater is either of a 'B', 'I', or 'A'. A 'B' in the 3rd line, as the 4th character indicates the base station is at position (2,3), assuming 0-based indexing. Similarly 'A' denotes an agent (UAV) and 'I' and IoT Node. Add 'X' for block.


The code is inspired from this repository.