
dynamic work allocation algorithm to facilitate efficient task assignment within our software development team

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Our project involves the development of a web-based platform that incorporates a dynamic work allocation algorithm to facilitate efficient task assignment within our software development team. The primary objective is to enhance team productivity by ensuring a balanced and fair distribution of tasks, considering individual team members' skills, availability, and existing workload.

Team Name

VR Devs

Team members

  1. Rishikesh k v https://github.com/rishi9808
  2. Vyshnav M K https://github.com/VyshnavMK
  3. Vismaya B https://github.com/VismayaBalan
  4. Razeen Mahroof https://github.com/razeenmahroof

Technologies used


How it works

For Admin:

  1. Admin asks every employee to register with their skills.
  2. Admin creates tasks with required skills and time for each task.
  3. The high-efficiency algorithm automatically finds the employee with the required skill who has completed the least number of tasks and is available.
  4. If no such employee is available, the task is marked as pending and will be assigned to someone when they become available.
  5. Admin has access to view:
    Finished tasks
    Working tasks
    Pending tasks
    Employees' current tasks

username: admin@123
password: admin

For Employee Users:

  1. Employees can log in to their accounts.
  2. Upon logging in, they can view their assigned tasks, including details such as the task name, required skills, and time constraints.
  3. Employees can mark tasks as complete when the work is done.
  4. They have the ability to update the task status, which may automatically trigger task reassignment based on availability.

username: vis@123
password: 123

Deployed Link


How to configure

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open terminal on the repo folder and install the dependencies
    npm install

How to Run

  1. Open terminal on the repo folder and type npm start
    npm run dev
  2. open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000