
docker-compose configuration for ThreeTwo

docker-compose configuration for ThreeTwo

This repo contains the docker-compose files necessary to run:

  1. ThreeTwo UI
  2. threetwo-core-service and its dependencies
  3. threetwo-metadata-service and its dependencies
  4. threetwo-acquisition-service and its dependencies


Docker and docker-compose

You need both docker and docker-compose installed on your OS. Currently, Docker version 20.10.10, build b485636 and docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c have tested well on Debian 4.19.208-1

comics and userdata folders

You need 2 folders:

  1. comics will contain your... comics

  2. userdata will be used by the app to create app-specific files

  3. The structure should be like so:

    - comics
    - userdata


To get ComicVine to work for metadata scraping and other functions, you must have a ComicVine API key. You can get one here. Metadata scraping will not work unless you supply an API key.


  1. To use AirDC++, you need a working install of... AirDC++
  2. Then within the UI, you need to set up the connection at Settings > Acquisition > AirDC++ > Connection
  3. After successfully connecting, you need to select your default hubs for search under Settings > Acquisition > AirDC++ > Hubs

Building the stack

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a network using docker network create proxy
  3. Edit the docker-compose.env file
    1. Find the hostname of your machine and set the UNDERLYING_HOSTNAME to that. For e.g. UNDERLYING_HOSTNAME=foo
    2. Set the COMICS_DIRECTORY and USERDATA_DIRECTORY to the correct absolute paths
    3. Set the COMICVINE_API to your ComicVine API key
    4. To summarize, these are the only variables you need to configure:
  4. Save the file
  5. Run the stack using: env $(cat docker-compose.env | xargs) docker-compose up


  1. threetwo, the UI runs on port 5173
  2. threetwo-core-service service on 3000
  3. threetwo-metadata-service service on 3080



  1. Some common problems can be traced to out-of-date images, and as such can be mitigated by simply pruning orphaned images: docker system prune -a

  2. Always check the logs of the offending service, docker logs --follow <servicename>

  3. Once the stack is up, assuming everything went well, look for threetwo-ui service's logs to see something like:

    threetwo-ui       |   VITE v5.2.7  ready in 145 ms
    threetwo-ui       |
    threetwo-ui       |   ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
    threetwo-ui       |   ➜  Network: