
Ask me anything!

Ask me anything!

Hello There!

Thanks a lot for getting in touch with me! This is my AMA.

This way anyone can read the answer! Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Whatever.

Is Email still Ok?

Yes, its perfectly fine. But I am always on GitHub, and respond faster here. And with the amount of spam these days, its easy to miss an important email such as yours 😐 !

If you prefer email, do not hesitate to drop your query either publicly or anonymously. I will post them here for you (redacting as much details as I can erring as a human).

Note: Much of this is automated with my mail filters, so the subject line will always be public (including anon mails).


  • Ensure your question hasn't already been answered.
  • Use a succinct title and description.
  • Bugs & feature requests should be opened on the relevant issue tracker.
  • Support questions are better asked on Stack Overflow.
  • Be civil and polite.
